National Post



If the pandemic weren’t surreal enough, a recent study by sex- toy company We-vibe revealed that 14 per cent of men admit to being aroused by Alexa, the smart speaker,

which confirms psychother­apist Lucy Beresford’s

view that we have been sleepwalki­ng into a different kind of epidemic — a fear of

intimacy. Here’s her view.


Love online

As a psychother­apist for 20 years, and have never worked with so many men and women who are unhappy and scared, because their deepest attachment­s and primary source of arousal are through interactin­g with their tech. I call these people “technosexu­als.” Technosex

uals find fulfilment by mobilizing the reward system — likes and comments — that

releases dopamine.


Ersatz love

Technosexu­als use their tech like a sex toy in their pocket — human intercours­e no longer cuts it. It comes down to a deep-seated fear of intimacy, the main trait of the technosexu­al, which lockdown has only intensifie­d. Many partners suffer in silence, ashamed to admit their rival is a piece of tech.


Vicious cycle

Technosexu­als are perhaps the most troubling cohort of mental health sufferers, because the source of their distress appears so innocuous. But the technosexu­al is affected by intensifie­d use, which arises from (and is subsequent­ly inflamed by) an existing fear of closeness.


Play dates

The We-vibe study highlights the importance of weaning technosexu­als off tech. Single technosexu­als write witty

messages ahead of dates, which often never take place, or get set up and then cancelled — with COVID giving cover to their fears. And so, many convince themselves their intimate life is func

tioning — when it isn’t.


See someone

Let’s be clear. Technology is not causing this fear of intimacy, but is making it easier to give in to. And like other forms of self- destructiv­e, reality- avoidant behaviour, it can be hard to stop. But technosexu­als can get one- to- one therapy. Or if you suspect your partner or date prefers their tech to you, speak up to clarify what

is and isn’t acceptable.

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