National Post

Beyond taking a knee

NFL pla yer protests are returning — but what form will they take?

- John Kryk Comment Jokryk@ postmedia. com Twiter: @ Johnkryk

When Colin Kaepernick first began kneeling while the U.S. national anthem played prior to kickoff at NFL games, the world was so different.

Donald Trump had yet to be elected U.S. president and Twitter-vulgarian- in- Chief. Theresa May had just been elected U. K. prime minister and Brexit-bungler-in- Chief. And Justin Trudeau was in his first year as Canada’s Prime Minister and SelfiePose­r-in- Chief.

That was August 2016. More than four years later, we can clearly see that the sweeping social- justice movement Kaepernick — then quarterbac­k of the San Francisco 49ers — so quietly began not only has made him one of the most bold, visionary and ( it must be said) divisive socio- political sports figures ever, but the whole point of his so- called protests finally seems to be understood.

Or at least far better understood.

Which leads us to the Biggest Unknown of the 2020 NFL season.

No, it’s not whether the COVID- 19 pandemic will throw wrenches into the schedule. Probably it will. Might even come close to mucking up the works. If so, the league will merely adjust and carry on. See April’s radically different but ultimately successful NFL draft for proof of that.

Rather, the Biggest Unknown — starting with Thursday night ’ s curtain-raiser in Kansas City between the defending Super Bowl champion Chiefs and Houston Texans (8:20 p.m. EDT, CTV and TSN via NBC) — is how much protesting will we see from players before or during games? And in what form? Will players go back to kneeling during the anthem?

And how might the public react this time as scores of players kneel as the Star Spangled Banner is played, as many expect to happen? Beyond Trump ( surely), will a third or more of Americans again lose their minds in anger this time, too?

Or are we beyond that now?

North America changed after the tragic, unjustifie­d, police- caused deaths in the spring of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, both Black Americans. And again after Jacob Blake, who’s also Black, took several bullets in the back while defying police instructio­ns.

These incidents in particular have pushed the issues of racial inequality, racial justice reform and police brutality front and centre, and deep into the consciousn­ess of North American life.

Even if it’s true our perception­s of those incidents might change once all the facts come to light, the horror we all felt watching the viral videos of such incidents sure seem to have become the last straws for millions of Americans — and Canadians — of all colour, not just Black.

“Guys are sick and tired of being sick and tired,” New York Jets safety Bradley McDougald said.

It’s informativ­e to know that people of colour who become famous see racial disparitie­s through an uncommon lens.

As former NFL and CFL wide receiver Andrew Hawkins said to NFL Network two weeks ago, a Black man quickly realizes upon becoming a pro athlete that “it doesn’t matter the status you’ve climbed to, you cannot outrun racism or the fear that you wake up with every day.”

The 34- year- old former Montreal Alouette said it’s particular­ly devastatin­g — but, sadly, necessary — that millions of parents of colour, for generation­s, have felt the need to teach their children how to behave in public in such a way as to never entice police interactio­n or incite police anger. And how to act if they should, especially if pulled over while driving — all in fear of unjustifie­d, violent police reactions, including death.

“Having to have that conversati­on with my eightyear- old son,” said Hawkins, who then started to cry, and needed a moment before continuing. “I mean, it’s a day that I’ve dreaded since he was born. And it hurts. … There’s no bubble I can keep him in, as much as I homeschool him. (So I) keep him at home, prevent him from going places, don’t let him play with toy guns, don’t let him play video games with shooting, just in case he enjoys it and wants to play with a toy gun in public.”

Seriously, if you’re a white parent, have you ever even considered having such a talk, or taking such preventive measures, with your kids?


We all can wish such parent- to- kid talks among people of colour would become unnecessar­y. Wishing alone doesn’t change anything, however. Actions do. But what actions?

It’s gratifying to see so many people across the sports world, and society in general, contributi­ng money, effort and ideas to advance earnest, peaceful initiative­s — distinct and far apart from those who “protest” via preplanned violence, vandalism or looting, all of whom deserve the chance to rethink their unhelpful anarchy over many years in a jail cell.

Kaepernick today must be gratified, at least to the extent that the will for societal change on these fronts seems to be taking root.

All he wanted to do in 2016 was shed light on the racial, societal and justice inequities he could no longer abide in silence.

Kaepernick followed the general advice Martin Luther King Jr. gave in the ’60s: “We will try to persuade with our words, but if our words fail, we will try to persuade with our acts.”

Any of us can disagree with how Kap chose to act — the mode, the kneeling — and millions in 2016 sure did, with vehemence, to the point that the NFL’S coveted TV ratings took a pronounced dip in the U.S.

To deliberate­ly offend and even outrage tens of millions of mostly white North Americans was a bold calculatio­n on Kap’s part. But another U. S. civil rights icon who died this summer, John Lewis, saw non- violent but provocativ­e action as the most effective action in this regard: “Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.”

Kaepernick knew his kneel- down protest as the pre- game rendition of the Star Spangled Banner was sung or played would draw attention.

But he didn’t plan on his primary message getting lost. Kaepernick kept trying to convince everyone he wasn’t protesting the U. S. flag, or the U. S. military, or the anthem itself — an intention millions surely still believe, or infer.

Rather, Kap was merely expressing, he said, his displeasur­e that the revered words that patriotic Americans worship — in the country’s 1776 Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, in the ensuing U. S. Constituti­on, and sung in a thousand country music songs — still too often, in too many ways, don’t apply to people of colour.

Especially in dealings with police, or the American justice system.

When Kaepernick, then 29, made his first start of the 2016 season for the San Francisco 49ers at Buffalo in mid- October, I happened to be on hand.

During the Bills’ 45- 16 steamrolli­ng of the 49ers, Kaepernick was booed, sworn at, yelled at and more by mostly partisan Bills fans, some wearing home-painted T-shirts bearing words not fit for a family readership.

More than once, chants of “U. S. A.! U. S. A.! U. S. A.!” reverberat­ed around the Bills’ 70,000- seat stadium — an unmistakab­le reply to Kaepernick that his controvers­ial pre- game action was un-american.

For those who don’t empathize with that side of the controvers­y, know that military members in Canada as well as in the U. S. are taught always to stand at firm attention and salute the flag whenever the anthem plays. And generation­s of American school children have begun the day by standing and citing the Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag …”

To many of them, the very idea of kneeling during the anthem is abhorrent — an unpatrioti­c action, whatever Kaepernick’s good- minded motivation.

After that thumping loss to the Bills in 2016, Kaepernick patiently explained to a handful of reporters why the widespread perception of what he was trying to accomplish was wrong — something he’d been saying in interviews and scrums with reporters since a retired U. S. army Green Beret, Nate Boyer, convinced him that summer that kneeling would be less disrespect­ful than sitting during the anthem, as a way to protest racial injustices.

“I don’t understand what’s un- American about fighting for liberty and justice for everybody, for the equality that this country says it stands for,” Kaepernick said. “To me, I see it as very patriotic and American to uphold the United States to the standards that it says it lives by. That’s something that needs to be addressed.”

Not all Bills fans were rude and crude to him that day, he wanted reporters to know.

“I had some Bills fans come up to me before the game and say they support me, so I think it all depends on who the person is. They know that at the end of the day, I’m going to continue to fight for what I’m fighting for.

“I think the message carries weight, because people realize what’s happening and what’s going on, and that it’s something that needs to be addressed. There are people’s lives being taken and being affected by this on a daily basis. More and more conversati­ons are happening that need to happen, so that ultimately we can address this issue and create change.”

He could not have been clearer. Yet millions of North Americans were so incensed — and Canadians, too, ( in nine years on the NFL beat I still haven’t received more emails written in anger, from Canadians, on any other topic) — they just didn’t hear his message.

At that post-game presser in Buffalo, Kaepernick wore a T- shirt bearing the image of the sports world’s all-time most revered agent for social change — Muhammad Ali.

Kap’s choice of apparel was calculated.

“( It’s) to pay homage,” Kaepernick said. “He fought a very similar fight to try and do what’s right for the people. And for me to be able to have someone like that come before me is huge. He is someone who helped pave the way for this to happen. What he did and what he stood for — people remember him more for that than they do as a boxer. I can’t let him die in vain. I have to be able to try and carry that on, and try to fight that same fight until we’ve accomplish­ed our goal.

“It’s something that has to be addressed. Until us as people recognize and address that some of us have privileges and some of us don’t, and some of us are able to do certain things without consequenc­es, and others of us can’t. Those are all things that need to be addressed.”

Nearly four full years later, Kaepernick has now not touched a football in an NFL team setting ( practice or game) since New Year’s Day 2017, when his Niners lost 25-23 to Seattle.

A couple months later the 49ers cut him loose, and no NFL team to this day has been willing to sign the divisive figure.

Kaepernick entering 2017 surely could not have surmised that his pro playing career, at minimum, was about to go on hold for four years, let alone maybe had come to an end. If he had known, he sure gave the impression that day in Buffalo — as he has in his few public utterances and actions since 2016 — that, with zero regrets, he would have done it all over again.

“Like I said from the beginning,” Kaepernick said, “I knew the consequenc­es of what could come with this. And I was prepared for it.”

Are the rest of us, again, now?

Guys are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

 ?? Marcio Jose Sanchez / The Associat ed Press file ?? Much has changed since 2016 when Colin Kaepernick, here joined by Eli Harold, left, and Eric Reid,
began kneeling during the U. S. national anthem before games to protest racial injustice.
Marcio Jose Sanchez / The Associat ed Press file Much has changed since 2016 when Colin Kaepernick, here joined by Eli Harold, left, and Eric Reid, began kneeling during the U. S. national anthem before games to protest racial injustice.

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