National Post



- Julia Turshen

In this pandemic, so many of us are suffering from the physical absence of loved ones and activities that typically fill our lives with connection. We feel untethered. Making a family cookbook is one way to combat this feeling, to feel connected and purposeful.

Anyone anywhere can make a family cookbook for very little, if any, money. Here’s how to do it:


The most important step is to remember that “family” is yours to define. It could be your parents, grandparen­ts, aunts, uncles and cousins, or it could be your friends from school, or it could be a mix of peers and elders in your community.


Family cookbooks can be printed or digital. They can also be a series of videos, almost a documentar­y of family recipes. You could narrate recipes and record others doing the same and make a family cookbook podcast or think of it as an album, each recipe a song.

For printed versions, you can go as analog as handwritte­n recipes and stories, and maybe even some illustrati­ons, on paper you photocopy for family members and then bind ( staples, paper clips and binder clips all count, as does spiral-binding or other finishing available at most copy centres).


You could add black- andwhite illustrate­d outlines of things and make it a family cookbook/colouring book. You could do colour copies and include photograph­s. For a more polished, less handmade printed version, you can do a quick internet search for one of the many templates and services available for you to fill in the blanks, and they will do the printing and binding. The same range is available for digital cookbooks. It can be as simple as a Word document or as detailed as each field filled in a premade template.


Is it just a collection of favourite recipes? That totally works. You can also use a flexible outline that will allow you to get more specific while also maintainin­g some openness. Will you want it to include such categories as breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes? Or soups, salads, main courses, side dishes, dessert and drinks? Maybe you’d like to organize it seasonally.

Not sure? That’s OK. You can just gather a bunch of recipes and then see if a natural outline emerges. Or take a look at your favourite cookbooks and study how their chapters are organized. There’s no right way of doing this, but it is helpful to have organizati­on in mind when you start gathering recipes. This will inform whether you’re asking for specific recipes or just gathering whatever comes your way.

You can also think outside of the box. For example, all the recipes can be responses to one or more questions such as “what do you most want to eat on your birthday?” or “what is your favourite holiday dish?” or “what recipe are you most known for?”


As with any group project, it’s helpful to reach out to the people on your list with direct communicat­ion and clear expectatio­ns. This can be as formal or as informal as you like, but explain what you’re making, who else you’re reaching out to, what exactly you’re asking for, when you’d like it by and how you’ll be sharing it when it’s all set. When it comes to the ask itself, refer to the format you’ve decided on and ask accordingl­y.

Be specific about how you’d like to receive the material. You can ask your contributo­rs to write a recipe for you, or set up a time for you to interview them on the phone about how they make their recipe, or you can request people take a video of themselves making the dish and then you can write down the steps.

In addition to the recipes, also collect the stories behind them. Ask people why they chose that specific recipe and/or if it brings up any memories.


The recipes you gather will likely come to you in a mix of styles. You can choose to keep the mix, or put all of the recipes in a uniform style. Traditiona­lly this means a list of ingredient­s in the order they’re called for in the recipe, plus really clear steps for how to make the dish.

One of the greatest things about a family cookbook is you can choose whatever convention­s you like and dismiss the ones you don’t. Some people have grandmothe­rs like mine who keep recipes on notecards with specific measuremen­ts and refer to them each time they make something. Others have relatives and friends who cook by feel and intuition.

There’s room for all of us, and whether your family cookbook contains precise measuremen­ts or descriptiv­e prose that just describes how a dish is made, it’s all valuable.


Send copies to everyone involved. Bring the book to life by doing an in- person potluck if safe to do so ( outdoors with social distance) or through a virtual potluck where everyone cooks a recipe from the cookbook and then you gather online to talk about what you’re eating and how it felt to cook it.

Just as making it can help you feel connected, so can cooking from it.

 ?? Gett y Imag es / istockphot­o ?? A family cookbook can help you feel better connected to loved ones during these trying times.
Gett y Imag es / istockphot­o A family cookbook can help you feel better connected to loved ones during these trying times.

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