National Post

Pandemic time feels like someone dropped an extra year into this one

We’re living in a pandemic, and it feels like someone dropped an extra year into the middle of this one


In 2006, the folks behind the Oxford English Dictionary did a deep dive into our language. They discovered that, in print at least, the most common noun in our language is time. The top five — time, person, year, way and day — includes three time-based words. The top verb was the temporally relevant “to be.”

I mention this because something unsettling has happened. Time, to almost every person, has changed. A day has gone the way of a year. Yes, we are watching days grow shorter, as we always do in the autumn, and most of us are moving our clocks back to standard time this weekend. But there is a new temporal wind blowing through us. This is pandemic time.

It’s difficult to define pandemic time. In a nutshell it’s the feeling that, since the crisis hit the country back in March, time has slowed to a crawl. Things we did in July feel like they took place in January. April seems like it was 2019.

It’s as though some unseen hand had inserted a leap year into 2020. Not a February 29, which we already had, but an entire extra year that we’ve been slogging through ever since.

It’s particular­ly hard to quantify pandemic time because there’s also no simple definition of ordinary time. If I tell you my Zoom meeting started late, ran longer than

I’d foreseen, felt brief and in hindsight was as long as it needed to be, that’s a lot of meaning tucked into one concept.

Many physicists argue that the way we experience time, as a series of passing moments, might be an illusion. (And lunchtime doubly so.) So-called “eternalism” posits that the universe is a four-dimensiona­l block of spacetime, with locations in time — last Tuesday, or 1842 — that are just as real as spatial locations like Moscow or Mars. In this view, our consciousn­ess is a point moving through block time, the way a whale traverses the ocean. The ocean itself isn’t going anywhere. It just is.

By that analogy, we’re beached. One of the researcher­s grappling with the notion of pandemic time is Prof. James Danckert, head of cognitive neuroscien­ce at the University of Waterloo, and co-author of Out of My Skull: The Psychology of Boredom.

“Our perception of time is pretty wonky in the best of times,” he says. “We often think things that happen in the past were longer ago than they were.”

He recalls a survey taken in hardhit Italy during the early days of the pandemic. “They asked: What are the worst things about social isolation? The first thing people said was a lack of freedom, and the second was boredom. I’d argue the boredom is because of the lack of freedom.”

He continues: “When you’re bored you feel like you’re not effectivel­y engaging with the world. We had the freedom to be an effective actor ripped away from us.” Try to push back, and “you come up against the restrictio­ns of social distancing.”

British author and broadcaste­r Claudia Hammond says time dilation is not an across- the- board effect. She points to the work of Ruth Ogden, an experiment­al psychologi­st at Liverpool John Moores University.

Ogden’s recently published paper The Passage of Time During the U. K. COVID-19 Lockdown found that while 80% of participan­ts had experience­d distortion to the passage of time, only half reported that it seemed slower. For the rest, time sped up. In general, time slowed down more for older people, those feeling stress, and those who were less active.

Hammond is the author of several books including Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception. In it she discusses what she calls the Holiday Paradox. That’s the feeling you have that a busy vacation speeds by when you’re experienci­ng it, but when you look back it seems to have lasted a long time.

By that reckoning, the pandemic of 2020 qualifies as the worst holiday in history. “In one way the pandemic is lasting forever in a dull, boring way,” she says. “All the fun bits are gone. But if you look back at the time that’s gone, it seems to have gone surprising­ly fast.”

Dean Buonomano, a professor of neurobiolo­gy and psychology at UCLA, and the author of Your Brain Is a Time Machine: The Neuroscien­ce and Physics of Time, says the Holiday Paradox can be explained by the fact that our brains measure time in two distinct ways: retrospect­ively and prospectiv­ely.

“Retrospect­ive refers to how much time we feel has gone by when looking back,” he says. “This type of timing is closely tied to memory. In general, the more events we remember, the more time seems to have passed. In contrast, prospectiv­e timing refers to our sense of time in the present, for example, as we wait for the traffic light to change, or as we wait in line, or if we think a movie we are watching is ‘slow’ or not.

“So in April and May, like many other people, I felt that retrospect­ively time seemed to be going by quickly. ‘Where did the month go?’ But prospectiv­ely, as a given day was unfolding, I felt time was dragging.”

This dichotomy is borne out by experience­s of friends, family and colleagues, one of whom told me he felt like he’d lived through 20 years of pandemic time, but that every day was exactly the same. Think Groundhog Day but without Bill Murray.

The very nature of this monotony would seem to suggest a cure: Keep calm and busy on.

“There was the craze of the sourdough,” says Danckert. “I say that with a little disdain in spite of the fact that my wife well and truly did get on that train.”

He sees that and other pandemic activities — jigsaw puzzles, Animal Crossing, etc. — as hitting a sweet spot between challengin­g and frustratin­g. “You see an end product, and you’ve developed a skill that you didn’t have before,” he says. “You’re not the first person to invent sourdough but it is boredom beating.”

And boredom is a beast that needs to be beaten. Danckert recently co- authored a paper, Boredom in the COVID-19 Pandemic, that found a correlatio­n between propensity to boredom and rule- breaking, including quarantine rules. ( When I ask what they call the tool that measures how prone you are to being bored, he answers drily: “The creatively named boredom proneness scale.”)

Hammond argues against overdoing the achievemen­ts in lockdown, however. “There was a pressure to do lockdown ‘well,’ ” she says. “Just getting through this time at all is achievemen­t enough. People shouldn’t feel that they have to do something.”

She also suggests reducing our temporal horizons to avoid the stress of not knowing what the “far future” of several months away will bring. “Think of next week or tomorrow rather than the whole winter,” she counsels.

Melissa Meade, a post- doctoral fellow at the Memory and Perception Lab at the University of Toronto, says that many of us have become unmoored in time thanks to the pandemic, herself included.

“I am definitely experienci­ng this sort of blurring of time where all of our days seem to meld together,” she says. “And there’s not much differenti­ation when you look back.”

Her research led to similar advice around combatting boredom.

“We ask people to do these unique activities that are outside their normal routine, like calling up an old friend, going for a walk in a new place, trying a recipe they haven’t done before. It reduces boredom and gives you a temporal context.”

None of these researcher­s had an inkling of whether previous pandemics — 1918’s Spanish Flu, say — had caused similar temporal drift, but Meade sounds a hopeful note for the future. “This is a really good opportunit­y to engage in research that can help us cope better next time.”

The consensus also seems to be that the very thing that makes time seem to drag these days will one day cause the whole of the pandemic to shrink to a kind of lacuna. A gap year, if you will.

“For most people this is a relatively uneventful time. When you look back a couple of years from now it’ll seem like it flew by. You can’t really think of what happened because nothing major happened to you.”

She’s quick to add that memories of the pandemic will be very different for those who work in health care, people who have battled COVID-19, or those who have lost a loved one.

“Flashbulb memories — traumatic events — those are recalled in extreme detail,” she says. “So it could end up being very different for different people.”

Coincident­ally, scientists studying the nature of time announced this month the shortest interval ever recorded, in the range of zeptosecon­ds. A zeptosecon­d is one trillionth of a billionth of a second, and the time they recorded — 247 zeptosecon­ds — was how long it took a photon of light to cross a hydrogen molecule.

That’s such a tiny slice of time that if you scaled it up to one second, then a second scaled up by the same amount would be eight times as long as the estimated age of the universe. It’s worth rememberin­g that pandemic time, for all its flash and drag, continues to operate at roughly a human scale.

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