National Post

O'toole slams outsourcin­g, calls for better conditions for workers


- Brian Platt National Post bplatt@ postmedia. com Twitter: btaplatt

Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’toole says Canadian workers have been betrayed by political and financial elites, and bemoans the falling rates of private sector unionizati­on as industrial jobs have migrated to China.

His remarks, given in a virtual speech to the Canadian Club Toronto on Friday, are another example of how O’toole is changing the party’s message since being elected leader in August.

O’toole's speech noted that private sector unionizati­on has “collapsed,” observing that one in three private sector workers were union members in the 1950s but today it’s “closer to one in 25.”

“It may surprise you to hear a Conservati­ve bemoan the decline of private sector union membership,” said O’toole. “But this was an essential part of the balance between what was good for business and what was good for employees. Today, that balance is dangerousl­y disappeari­ng. Too much power is in the hands of corporate and financial elites who have been only too happy to outsource jobs abroad. It’s now expected of a shareholde­r to ask a CEO: ‘ Why are we paying a worker in Oshawa 30 dollars an hour when we could be paying one in China 50 cents an hour?’”

O’toole, whose riding is in the Oshawa area where General Motors plants have steadily scaled back and threatened to close entirely, has made championin­g workers a key part of his rhetoric as leader. He said he’s seen his hometown of Bowmanvill­e “hollowed out” over the past few decades, a situation made worse by the economic chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I want to tell you that everything is not OK,” O’toole said, echoing a line that was in a recent Conservati­ve advertisem­ent.

He said Canadian workers used to be able to expect fulltime employment, a steady salary and a pension, but that now feels like a “bygone era.”

“Do we really want a nation of Uber drivers?” he asks. “Do we really want to abandon a generation of Canadians to some form of Darwinian struggle? A future without the possibilit­y of home ownership? A sense of inevitabil­ity? While some benefit, millions are losing hope and resentment is growing.”

O’toole said the Conservati­ves recognize that during the pandemic, unusual measures are needed to protect vulnerable Canadians.

“We understand the need for deficit spending at a time of national emergency,” he said, and pointed to the precedents set by spending during the World Wars and, more recently, the 2008 financial crisis.

“This is not something I would support in normal times, but these aren’t normal times” he said. “We are facing more than a health crisis. We are facing the greatest economic crisis of our lifetime.”

But he warned the Liberals are attempting to use this crisis to “launch a risky experiment with our economy,” moving Canada sharply to the left. “Exploiting understand­able concerns for the environmen­t, they want to implement vast green energy experiment­s,” he said.

O’toole's concluding section of the speech argued that political, financial and business elites have been insulated from economic turmoil as they steadily let China take over more manufactur­ing jobs.

“We made a mistake in allowing ourselves to de- industrial­ize totally,” O’toole said. “Thirty years ago, the Western world’s political, financial and business elite made a bet: we would allow China to have unfair access to our market while they protected their own ... Once it became a rich and prosperous country, we hoped it would turn into a good actor, would democratiz­e, take human rights seriously, liberalize, and play by global rules. We all know that this has not happened.”

O’toole went on to describe China as “state-owned juggernaut­s, Orwellian surveillan­ce technology, cybertheft on an industrial scale, hostage diplomacy, and increasing human rights abuses within its borders, and increasing­ly within its wider sphere of influence.”

He said it is not in Canada’s national interest to let China manufactur­e supplies like drugs, masks and ventilator­s.

“So, I will say this: when the most efficient outcome does not align with our national interest, a Conservati­ve government will ensure that the national interest comes first,” he said. “Free markets alone won’t solve all our problems.”

O’toole concluded by saying that GDP growth is not the “be-all and end-all of politics.”

“We need policies to shore up the core units of society — family, neighbourh­ood, nation,” he said. “We need policies that build solidarity, not just wealth.”

 ??  ?? Erin O’toole
Erin O’toole

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