National Post

About that Biden story


Re: America’s authoritar­ian fourth estate, Rex Murphy, Oct. 29

It is interestin­g that no one seems to have attempted to prove the Biden story as being incorrect. Joe Biden denies it and that is the end of the story. In Canada, Justin Trudeau denied pressuring the attorney general. The press continued to look into the story and it proved to be true. Hatred of Donald Trump is so entrenched in the U. S. A. and other countries that even if an ethically- challenged individual is running against him, Trump must be defeated at all costs. You do not have to be a Donald Trump fan to recognize that much of the media has abdicated its role in providing the public with accurate informatio­n. Rex Murphy is correct. Authoritar­ian countries are based around censorship. If Biden wins on Tuesday, what approach will the media take when Donald Trump is not in the White House? Rick Hird, Whitby, Ont.

Rex Murphy’s takedown of most of the U. S. media over their lack of coverage of the Hunter Biden/joe Biden “intrigues” is correct so far as it goes. Let me posit, however, that they have not taken the story completely off the radar screen; rather merely delayed their reporting of it.

After the election, and especially if Biden wins, there will be a flood of Biden-damning stories.

In fact, the pressure will be so great that poor Joe will be forced to resign fairly quickly so that the “truly woke” Kamala Harris will then become president: an outcome that most of the left-liberal media wanted all along. Wayne Gibson, Toronto

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