National Post

Team Canada world junior camp shut down

Everyone will have to isolate for two weeks

- Robert Tychkowski

Team Canada ’s COVID- 19 situation went from bad to worse Wednesday with news the entire world junior selection camp will have to be shut down for a 14-day quarantine.

After two players tested positive on Monday, subsequent contact tracing determined that everyone on the team has been exposed and will have to isolate for the mandatory two weeks.

In a statement Wednesday, Scott Salmond, senior vice- president of national teams, said they have no choice but to lock down.

“Following the confirmati­on of two positive tests among players, Hockey Canada has confirmed that all players, coaches and staff are considered close contacts and are therefore subject to the mandatory 14- day quarantine period under Alberta Health Services’ Order 052020.

“Hockey Canada will continue to abide by all protocols and guidelines set forth by the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services, as it is not exempt from Order 05- 2020, and will put a pause on all camp activities until the quarantine period is complete.”

Team Canada’s camp had been dark after Monday’s results came in, with all activities cancelled while they tried to identify and isolate everyone who’d been exposed. With players sharing dressing rooms, benches and meeting rooms, it didn’t take long before they realized it was everyone.

“Upon learning of the positive tests on Monday, the decision was made to suspend all camp activities and quarantine players and staff immediatel­y,” continued the statement. “As per Hockey Canada’s safety protocols, all players, coaches and staff members will go through additional testing before resuming any camp activities.

“We remain in constant communicat­ion with the appropriat­e health authoritie­s, and we appreciate and thank Alberta Health Services for its dedication to ensuring the health and safety of our players, staff and the community at large.”

This is a blow for Team Canada’s selection process. They won’t be allowed back on the ice before Dec 8, which is a big problem considerin­g they wanted the team picked, with negative test results in hand, before entering the Edmonton bubble on Dec. 13.

They might be able to push back the target date a couple of days, but with virtually no more ice time with which to determine his final roster, or get his players in game shape, head coach Andre Tourigny is suddenly in a very bad spot.

Two assistant coaches, Jason Labarbera and Michael Dyck, were already in a mandatory 14-day isolation because they were in close contact with a Team Canada staff member who first tested positive on Saturday.


The NHL and NHL Players Associatio­n have waged some epic battles over the years, and in many of those bitter negotiatio­ns it looked like the season was in real jeopardy. But, in the end, the two sides agree to terms, shake hands and drop the puck. It’s what they always do.

Well, almost always. The only two things that ever shut down the Stanley Cup were a pandemic in 1919 and a labour dispute in 200405. So, as we sit here during a labour dispute in a pandemic, maybe we shouldn’t take anything for granted.

The common denominato­r in all the NHL- NHLPA success stories is that both sides wanted to save the season. That’s not necessaril­y the case this time.

Most owners are going to lose money either way, but will lose more if the season goes ahead and they have to pay their players to perform in empty arenas. That’s why they are grinding unusually hard and why some of them are even saying they should scrap the season.

The owners have already proposed substantia­l escrow and deferred salary increases, contrary to the CBA they just agreed to, which takes the pandemic into account, last July.

The downside of that strategy, of course, is the big picture. The NHL is still an afterthoug­ht in the U. S., so being out of sight and out of mind for a year could do serious harm to the brand and its following.

Commission­er Gary Bettman wants the owners unanimous in their desire to play a season, but some might be more interested in the short-term bottom line.

The only way the players lose money is if there is no season — whatever number the owners are trying to get them down to is better than zero — so it might all come down to how much they are willing to give up in both salary and principle.

The two sides haven’t spoken in a week.

Factor in a third party — COVID-19 — that still has a say in this and doesn’t care a bit about players and owners, and it’s not hard to imagine a year without hockey.

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