National Post



- Toban Dyck

If the weather holds, I’ll be able to grow a crop. This was as much as any farmer could know for certain earlier this year amid the widespread health and economic fears surroundin­g the then-fresh COVID-19 pandemic. But, really, such a degree of certainty is no different from any other growing season.

The agricultur­al sector has the right stuff to lead Canada’s economic recovery, but it has exhibited a gross incompeten­ce in differenti­ating between the challenges specific to its own sector and the general challenges all Canadians face, as they wade through the quagmire of a pandemic.

The agricultur­e sector is fearful of the economic storm mustering over parts unknown that will inevitably make landfall and wreak a level of havoc that CERB and a depleted government kitty won’t be able to mend.

But, the ag sector is also, by and large, thankful for a prosperous growing year, as well as good, and in some cases, rising commodity prices.

Instead of using the mental fortitude often attributed to operating such a riskheavy business as farming to show some level of positivity amid the malaise that has settled over everyone, many in the sector have chosen to continue chastising government for not paying attention to agricultur­e while holding out their hands in hopes of getting some of the pandemic relief cash they feel others are too easily accessing.

The federal government, however, has also revealed a shortcomin­g in its failure to recognize agricultur­e as an economic driver when the Liberals’ reserves are evaporatin­g at an alarming rate and when it has become clear to anyone paying attention that drawing the map that will deliver Canada from its economic hole will require a sophistica­ted cartograph­er.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Speech from the Throne in October failed to mention agricultur­e in any substantiv­e way, apart from the need for food security in remote areas and the government’s continued interest in compensati­ng the supply managed sectors affected by new trade rules. Under normal political/ cultural circumstan­ces, I’d still mention this omission, but only because as an ag commentato­r, I’d have to as proof I’m keeping an eye on the political landscape on which I write.

What agricultur­e could be for Canada has not been tested. Trudeau should be drawing lessons from industries that have demonstrat­ed resilience in 2020 for guidance on economic recovery. Agricultur­e is such an industry, and should be taken seriously as a key economic driver now and in a post-pandemic landscape.

It’s a message that suggests a needed change to a relationsh­ip between agricultur­e and Ottawa that has long been characteri­zed by friction. Either side is having trouble visualizin­g this relationsh­ip any other way, but someone should be so bold.

In 2017, Dominic Barton, then chair of the Advisory Council formed by former Finance Minister Bill Morneau, released what is colloquial­ly known as the Barton Report. In it, he hailed agricultur­e as a sector with vast, unrealized potential.

The report gave political expression to what farmers and industry stakeholde­rs already knew, and to what farm groups had been telling MPS in Ottawa for as long as I can remember. It was heralded, albeit briefly, as the crucible through which the federal government and the nation’s agricultur­e sector would recast their relationsh­ip and begin realizing Canada’s growth potential.

That year’s budget included goals of increasing agri- food exports from $ 55 billion in 2015 to $ 75 billion by 2025.

That was three, nearly four, years ago, so these numbers need to be updated, but its age shouldn’t compromise the timelessne­ss of its message. Near the end of the report, its writers list additional ways the federal government can capitalize on agricultur­al growth opportunit­ies — better trade agreements, branding Canada as a source for healthy, sustainabl­e food, encouragin­g foreign investment and improving the regulatory environmen­t.

Since then, Canada has made sizable investment­s towards the growth of the protein- processing sector, making our borders home to some large processors. Ottawa needs to understand, however, that realizing the agri- food industry’s potential isn’t just about bolstering the processing sector. Any commitment to Canada’s agri-food sector should be fulsome, but a lesson about too many eggs in one basket shouldn’t have to be said aloud, especially as the trade wars that saw some of Canada’s large export commoditie­s embargoed are still fresh, if not still active.

There is tremendous­ly little expectatio­n among the farmers I have met that Trudeau will do a 180 on the Liberal tradition and begin taking the kind of agricultur­e that has been able to withstand the blows of a global pandemic seriously.

There is, however, hope. On Nov. 20 federal and provincial agricultur­e ministers met, virtually, to discuss the sector and needed improvemen­ts to current business risk management programmin­g. And on Friday, they will meet again.

In 2017, Barton claimed Canadian agricultur­e could lead the world. In 2020, let’s start with agricultur­e leading Canada.

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 ?? Da vid Bloo m / Postmedia news files ?? What agricultur­e could mean for post-pandemic Canada has not yet been tested, Toban Dyck writes.
Da vid Bloo m / Postmedia news files What agricultur­e could mean for post-pandemic Canada has not yet been tested, Toban Dyck writes.

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