National Post



Joe Biden’s Internet-connected Peloton exercise bike could pose a cybersecur­ity risk at the White house, experts have warned. The indoor stationary bike has a tablet attached that allows riders to access the Internet or communicat­e with other Peloton users. The bike is expensive — upward of $2,500 apiece — and is a daily part of the 78-year-old president’s fitness regime. They are also vulnerable to hacking, the New york Times reported. To pass White house security, the camera and microphone in the tablet would have to be removed, richard h. Ledgett Jr., a former deputy director of the National Security Agency, told the Times. he also advised the president to pick a nondescrip­t user name and change it every month and to avoid having sensitive conversati­ons near the bike. When Biden was isolating at home during the coronaviru­s surge last spring, he began each day with a with a Peloton bike workout, the Times reported.

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