National Post

Absence of GG in a minority untenable

- CHRISTOPHE­R NARDI The interview has been condensed for brevity and clarity. National Post

OTTAWA • With the resignatio­n of Gov. Gen. Julie Payette Thursday, Canada suddenly finds itself without its usual head of state during a period of minority government. How will this historic situation play out politicall­y? National Post turned to daniel Béland, director of the Mcgill Institute for the Study of Canada, to find out.

How much of a big deal is Julie Payette’s resignatio­n?

This is major! The Governor General plays a key constituti­onal role in Canada. But this role is especially significan­t during a minority government that can fall at any given moment..

So Payette’s role isn’t just a symbolic relic of Canada’s colonial past?

Not at all, her constituti­onal role is very important. remember in the 2008 and 2009 period when Michaëlle Jean was governor general, there was a real debate as to if she should prorogue Parliament or not as requested by then-prime Minister Stephen Harper. So the Governor General can play a very important role, particular­ly in a minority government situation.

So now that Canada is officially without a governor general, who is our head of state?

Believe it or not, richard Wagner, the Chief Justice of Canada, is the interim head of state of Canada until a new governor general is nominated. Clearly Wagner cannot occupy both roles for too long, it would be completely untenable.

So how quickly should Trudeau nominate Canada’s next Governor General?

It’s important for him to do it quickly, but it’s even more important for him to find a solid candidate. The search cannot last for months and months, and they absolutely need to do it before the next confidence vote.

And what should he be looking for in potential candidates?

He needs to find a candidate who is above all reproach, has a stellar profession­al track record and who will be a consensus choice between the Liberals and the federal opposition parties. He needs a safe choice, because Trudeau can’t afford a second bad nomination.

So basically he’s looking for another governor general like David Johnston (who occupied the role between 2010 and 2017)?

That’s actually exactly who I was thinking about... someone who is by all definition­s an elder statesman.

Ultimately, whose fault is it that Canada has landed in this unpreceden­ted situation?

Oh, this is very bad for Justin Trudeau because Julie Payette was his choice. She was not vetted properly, and this once again calls his judgment into question. This is a major stain on the reputation of Justin Trudeau and it’s not good for the Liberal government at all.

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