National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Thinly sliced pickled ginger, served with sushi

5. Drinking straw

10. Particular type of clothing

14. Interrupte­d segment of DNA

15. Mayonnaise with garlic

16. One of the Great Lakes

17. Many things

18. Group of naval ships

19. Outer skin of a fruit

20. No longer working

22. Special respect

24. Apportions

26. Genetic material

27. In need of a shower

30. Part of PG

35. Arrangemen­t of items

36. Lowland valley

37. Spanish for wave

38. Covering of false hair

39. Largest of the Ryukyu Islands

42. Farm animal

43. Seventh Greek letter

44. Shows agreement

45. Underwater breathing apparatus

47. Behind in French

50. Polish composer and pianist

51. Skating surface

52. Type of plant tissue

54. For community use

57. Reason for which anything is done

61. Of the mouth

62. Warning device

65. Do what one is told

66. Monster in fairy tales

67. Parts resembling feet

68. Growl loudly

69. Wide band on a heraldic shield

70. Impudent

71. French for head


1. Fixed transmissi­on setting 2. Shaft for wheels

3. Basic part of a word 4. Innermost layers of blood vessels

5. Football play

6. Accent placed over a Spanish n 7. Fish eggs

8. Strong beer

9. Took money from a bank account

10. Language spoken in Munich 11. Song for a solo voice

12. It is worn on a finger 13. “Adam ___” 21. Pertaining to an earlier style that has been brought back

23. Not divided

25. Material that stretches easily

27. Planted seeds

28. Use a pen or pencil

29. Canadian soccer player

31. Regrettabl­y

32. Refill a partly full glass

33. Good excuse

34. Goods sunk in the sea, attached to a buoy

36. French couturier

40. Patellae

41. Jacob and Zilpah’s son

46. Behave in a particular way

48. Moon valleys

49. French for here

50. Lacking dexterity

53. Town near the border with France

54. Magician’s word

55. Force along

56. Behind ___ (in jail)

58. Woodwind instrument

59. Chair part

60. Ghost town in Saskatchew­an

63. Meadow

64. Commercial­s for short

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