National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Mackerel shark

5. Cut some wood 10. Compared with

14. Tel ___

15. Piece of garlic 16. “Othello” villain 17. Network of nerves

18. Pis ___ 19. Unemployme­nt cheque in the UK

20. Religious retreat where a Hindu holy man lives

22. First year university student

24. Ready to eat

26. Rectangula­r opening

27. It is added to swimming pool water to keep it clean

31. Refuse to give up

35. Puts dirty clothes in a washer

36. Empty place between printed words

38. Be in debt to

39. French for drunk

40. Made by putting together materials

41. Use scissors

42. Actress Tilly

43. Put up

44. Patrik who plays for the Jets

45. Mixture of copper and tin

47. Damage deliberate­ly

49. River in Russia

51. New Zealand tree

52. Powerful punch

56. Anxiety

60. Jezebel’s husband

61. Last Greek letter

63. Plunge headfirst into water

64. Traditiona­l knowledge

65. Less than

66. Source of indigo

67. ___ and terminer

68. Having a pleasant flavour

69. Scream out loudly


1. Actress Rooney

2. Class of birds

3. One’s friends and acquaintan­ces

4. Took manual control of 5. Prawns eaten fried in breadcrumb­s

6. Whole amount of

7. Animal that hunts in packs

8. Tennis player from Australia

9. Abandoned ship

10. Dancer’s garment

11. Canadian actor Corey

12. City on the Jumna River

13. Twelve o’clock

21. Broadcasts on TV

23. Unit of loudness

25. Come afterwards

27. Make one’s way up

28. Remain suspended in one place

29. At a very slow tempo, in music

30. Long poems that tells stories of heros’ deeds

32. Ancient region of western Asia Minor

33. Turn on a hinge

34. Conical tent

37. Holy table

40. 1976 arcade game

41. “___ Night’s Alright for Fighting” (Elton John song)

43. Old Testament book

44. Capital of Togo

46. One piece of a musical program

48. Consisting of two parts

50. Duckweed genus

52. Circle of light

53. Sailor’s greeting

54. Responding easily, as a ship

55. Blood and wine colours

57. Plant on which grapes grow

58. Power that makes people do bad things

59. Exchange for money

62. Answer a knock on the door

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