National Post



The World Health Organizati­on-led team probing the origins of COVID-19 said bats remain a likely source and that transmissi­on via frozen food is a possibilit­y, but it ruled out a lab leak.

Peter ben embarek, pictured, who led the team of experts in its month-long visit to the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak first emerged at a seafood market in late 2019, said the team’s work had uncovered new informatio­n but had not dramatical­ly changed their picture of the outbreak.

“The possible path from whatever original animal species all the way through to the Huanan market could have taken a very long and convoluted path involving also movements across borders,” embarek said.

embarek said the investigat­ion points to a natural reservoir in bats, but it is unlikely that they were in Wuhan. The possibilit­y the virus leaked from a lab — which has been the subject of conspiracy theories — was extremely unlikely and did not require further study, embarek said.

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