National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Do someone a favour

5. Festive occasions

10. Added to

14. Jai ___

15. Spanish for friend

16. Ball of wool

17. Canadian who was the voice of Yukon Cornelius in “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer”

18. Demi and Bruce’s daughter

19. Roman numeral for 53

20. Canadian TV channel

22. Parachutes to safety

24. Makes sharper

25. Kiss and cuddle

26. Adds as a supplement

29. Veils worn by Muslim women

33. Becomes fatigued

34. Who Paris abducted

35. Kind of chart

36. Active volcano in the Philippine­s

37. Friend of Pythias

38. Gator’s relative

39. Small hotel

40. Made on a loom

41. Haunted house resident

42. last name

44. Teasing tricks

45. Belonging to the same family

46. 22nd Greek letters

47. Take place

50. Tip

54. Canadian communicat­ions satellite 55. British ___

57. Soft creamy white cheese

58. Tubular pasta

59. Two-door automobile

60. Flower that grows from a bulb

61. Dash

62. Boring tool

63. Noble family of Italy


1. Actors who overact

2. “In the Valley of ___ ” (2007 film) 3. Norwegian soap brand 4. Child’s toy that revolves in the wind

5. Canadian rifle creator

6. Keep pleasantly occupied

7. Green citrus fruit

8. Period of history

9. Canadian television journalist

10. Mucus in the throat

11. Secular

12. Part of ICU

13. Goes downhill

21. People in prison

23. Lavatory (slang)

25. Grand sitting room

26. Garret

27. Instrument with black and white keys

28.. Have an accident

with (British)

29. Neighbour of Saudi Arabia

30. Kitchen garment

31. Open-fronted cubicle 32. Religious groups

34. Place of safety

37. Island in the Caribbean Sea

38. Priest’s garment

40. Stopped sleeping

41. Very small pieces of sand

43. Serviette

44. Weapon in science fiction

46. Light crinkled fabric

47. Make new students do silly things

48. Indigo source

49. Middle Eastern flat bread

50. Make the sound of liquid pouring from a bottle

51. Messenger of the gods

52. Be at an angle

53. Relating to rock ‘n’ roll as it developed in France

56. Former French coin

 ??  ??

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