National Post


First-aid myths that should be retired


We have all heard them. Words of wisdom handed down through the generation­s, or maybe simply tips from the internet that sound like they could work. But that advice to pee on a jellyfish sting to make it feel better? Not true. Breathing in a paper bag to calm down? In some situations, this could be dangerous. And putting your head between your knees when you feel faint? Well, it could cause you to lose consciousn­ess, fall and hit your head. Surprised? Here Galadriel Watson samples some other tried-but-not-true first-aid strategies that your mother may have sworn by, but just don’t have science behind them.

Leave a cut uncovered

It was once thought that leaving a minor cut open to the air would give it needed room to breathe and dry out. In fact, skin cells need moisture, and leaving a wound uncovered increases the likelihood you’re harming new surface cells, which can slow the healing process. Moisture also protects nerve endings, so the cut may hurt more if it’s uncovered. As a bonus, a bandage keeps out dirt and protects the area from further injury.

And have you ever found it fascinatin­g to put hydrogen peroxide on a cut and watch it bubble? While the fizzing is a sign that the bacteria is being cleaned out of the wound, it — along with alcohol and iodine — can also damage tissue and prolong healing. Plain water and a mild soap are a better choice.

Get medical help if the cut seems serious, is due to an animal or human bite, or comes from a dirty or rusty object. Also do so if the symptoms get worse or the cut won’t heal.

Butter is Better on Burns

Wrong again. Butter and other greasy substances hold in heat and keep the burn burning, making it more severe. For burns that are minor enough to treat at home (such as first-degree burns, which are mild and feel a bit like a sunburn), think “cool.” Rinse the area with cool water until the pain stops, likely for 15 to 30 minutes, or apply a cool compress. Don’t use ice or really cold water — both can damage skin tissue.

According to the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance, second-degree burns require medical attention, are more painful than first-degree burns and often cause blistering and open sores on the skin. Third- and fourth-degree burns are an emergency and require a trip to the hospital.

Nosebleed? tilt your head Back

It makes sense. After all, if you don’t want blood dripping out your nose, lean back so gravity can help stop it. Unfortunat­ely, this also means the blood will drip down your throat and into your stomach, causing irritation, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting. The smarter move is to tip your head slightly forward and pinch the soft part of your nose for at least five minutes. You can also place a cold compress on the bridge of your nose or plug the affected nostril with gauze.

Get medical help if the nosebleed seems to start farther back in the nose and you bleed from both nostrils, if you can’t stop the bleeding after about 20 minutes, or if it happens due to a fall or a punch in the face, especially if your nose might be broken. Frequent nosebleeds also warrant a visit to the doctor.

heat a sprain

While a heating pad may feel good on that puffy, aching twisted ankle, it’s not aiding your recovery. Heat attracts blood flow to the area, so if you have an injury that involves swelling, warmth can cause more swelling. Ice, on the other hand, reduces blood flow and puffiness.

The standard recommenda­tion is to follow RICE, according to Healthlink­bc: Rest (give the sprain time to heal), Ice (apply something cold, periodical­ly, for up to 72 hours or until the swelling goes down), Compressio­n (reduce swelling with a tensor bandage) and Elevation (raise your ankle above your heart).

If you are really loving the heat, wait until after the swelling subsides.

Heimlich for choking

When someone is choking, your first instinct may be to wrap your arms around the person to start the Heimlich manoeuvre. While the goal is to force air out of the body and push the stuck object out, sudden manual pressure on the upper abdomen has hazards, such as breaking ribs or rupturing the person’s liver or spleen. It should only be used when the person’s airway is completely blocked: i.e., they can’t breathe, talk or cough, and are turning purple or blue.

Vomit poison

Have you ever heard the one about drinking milk after consuming poison? Contrary to what some might think, milk is not an antidote for poisons, and it doesn’t protect the stomach. Neither does burned toast, raw eggs or mustard. Parents used to be told to keep a bottle of ipecac — a syrup that induces vomiting — on hand in case their child ingested a toxic substance. This is not the case anymore.

First of all, since vomiting doesn’t remove all the stomach contents, some of the poison will remain. And if the substance is something like toilet bowl cleaner, which can cause a chemical burn on the way down, it can burn on the way up too.

The best plan of action is to give the person water and call a poison centre for further advice. If the person is unconsciou­s, convulsing or having a hard time swallowing or breathing, call 9-1-1.

Spoon in mouth for seizures

Let’s get one thing straight: a tongue is firmly attached — there’s no risk of swallowing it. So there’s no need to put a spoon in the mouth of someone having a seizure. Not to mention that fact that it could cause the person to choke or could break the person’s teeth or jaw. There’s also no need to hold them down. Just make sure the surroundin­g area is safe by removing hard or sharp objects, and stay calm. Get medical help if the seizure seems out of the ordinary: for example, if this is the person’s first seizure, if it lasts unusually long, if the person doesn’t recover well when it ends or if it takes place in water.


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