National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Russian emperor, before 1917

5. That girl

8. Banana covering

12. Experience

13. Animal similar to a weasel

15. Walking unevenly

16. Eye part

17. Skiing trail

18. Very dry

19. Subsidiary source of income

21. Intimidate

23. What an apartment dweller must pay monthly

24. Pay attention to and obey

25. Embankment beside a river

27. Shop that sells fashionabl­e clothes

31. Crafty stratagem

32. Monotonous beat

34. Fish with a forked tail

35. Play part

36. Broadcast

37. Part of TGIF

38. Ship’s staff

40. Welcome forecast

42. Move quickly from place to place

43. Coal oil

45. Raise the spirits of

47. Make liquid

48. Wild animal’s den

49. Sudden outburst

51. Hung jury outcome

55. Similar

56. Pie pastry

58. Sore

59. Kind of pickle

60. Total amount

61. Talk at great length

62. Just the amount specified

63. Mark aimed at in curling

64. Cameo stone


1. The one here

2. It’s a wrap

3. Extremely eager

4. Emergency supply

5. Sandpiper

6. Flexible tube

7. Have a meal

8. Expression of praise

9. Make money by working

10. Give off

11. Showed the way

13. Early harpsichor­d

14. Monotony

20. Shelter from the wind

22. Insect living in a colony

24. Grieve for

25. “Filthy” money

26. Organic compound

27. Salty water

28. Comforter

29. Loosen a knot

30. Countries of Asia

31. Joint of lamb

33. Frequent a place as a ghost

39. Feminine

40. Pick out

41. In a ferment

42. Confused mixture

44. Adjust a clock

46. On fire

48. Cotton thread

49. Tight-fitting covering

50. Round tablet of medicine

51. Cross between a horse and a donkey

52. Holy image

53. Sailor’s greeting

54. Short-tailed wildcat

55. Commotion

57. Long-tailed rodent

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