National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Roll up a flag

5. Poi source

9. Weekly program, e.g. 11. Mysteries

13. Public disgrace 14. Monetary unit of some Latin American countries

16. Kind of burglar

17. Person removed from a place of danger

19. Bone attached to the spine

20. Jack-in-the-pulpit

22. Send out

23. Instructio­ns for a computer program

24. Dark brownish-red colour

26. Light afternoon meal

28. Country that cooperates with another

29. It’s usually cup-shaped

30. Rather old

32. Battery component

35. A person’s

36. Insanely irresponsi­ble

39. Split apart

42. Cloven foot

43. Snakelike fish

44. Refreshing drink

46. Irritable

47. Ring of light

49. Not any

50. Disencumbe­r

51. Skull

54. Is no more

55. Inspire with love

57. Food

59. Peeper protector

60. Holiday place

61. Graceful bird

62. Suddenly see


1. Full-length film

2. Ornamental vase

3. Be conveyed

4. It can raise dough

5. Nursery purchase

6. Skin condition

7. Mouse relative

8. Having good luck

9. Sacred Egyptian beetle

10. Criticize harshly

11. Having a rapid onset

12. With relish

13. Ponzi scheme, e.g.

15. Follow orders

18. Refer to

21. Calm down

23. Vulture victuals

25. Margarine

27. Excited activity

31. Prefix with bond or dollar

33. Consumed

34. Stubbornly resistant to change

36. First-aid kit item

37. Hottest period of the summer

38. Group of Scottish families

40. Like some wallpaper

41. Renter

42. In this place

44. Lava flow

45. Take a break

48. Con artist

51. Fizzy drink

52. Destroy completely

53. Title preceding a girl’s name

56. Kitten’s cry

58. Janitor’s tool

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