National Post

Don’t short change electrical jobs AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION

- Mike Holmes To find out more about Mike Holmes, visit makeitrigh­ For Postmedia News

May marks Electrical Safety Month — and it’s our reminder to do things right, and to do them safely. We have code for a reason, and that’s especially apparent when it comes to your electrical wiring.

On average, between 2015 and 2019 in Ontario, there were 614 electrical fires per year — the second leading cause of house fires, only behind cooking. To me, that number is too high, and preventabl­e with regular electrical inspection­s and maintenanc­e.

An electrical inspection is different from a regular home inspection. For most of us, we’ll get a home inspection when we are preparing to buy or sell a home — but aside from maybe testing a few electrical outlets in the dwelling, your inspector won’t perform a full electrical inspection. This inspection will help provide you a snapshot of what the home looks like at the time of inspection, but it can’t source every issue, or tell you exactly what’s lurking behind the walls (though it’s still an incredibly valuable buying tool).

Electrical inspection­s see the inspector come in and check your wiring, electrical panels, and electrical boxes that power your home. These are valuable tools that help ensure that your electrical system is up to date and in good shape.

How often should you have an electrical inspection performed? To me, the bare minimum should be every four years or so. That may seem like a lot, but the expense is worth it. Electrical problems that aren’t addressed quickly can lead to dangerous outcomes, such as an electrical fire. If you’re doing a renovation, that’s a great opportunit­y to also have an electrical inspection performed. Build it in to your next renovation budget.


Legally, yes, as a homeowner you are entitled to take on your own electrical work if you wish. However, I do not recommend it. Minimum code is in place to ensure that your home is in safe standing and won’t cause you or your family harm. It takes time to properly learn how to perform this kind of work. An afternoon spent online digging through DIY videos on Youtube isn’t a good enough education.

I remember a job from a few years back — an older gentleman remodelled his entire basement on his own, including the electrical. From the jump, the project was done incorrectl­y. The wrong types of lights were used in the bathroom, the electrical panel was overloaded, and fuses blew all the time — it was truly only a matter of time before somebody got seriously hurt, either via an electrical fire, or a potential electrocut­ion.

This is why you MUST hire the right profession­al for your renovation projects. They will install things to code, make sure it’s safe, and make sure that your electrical panel is capable of managing the load properly. A licensed electrical contract is some of the best money you can spend on your home. Not only is it a matter of safety, should you suffer a fire due to your own faulty wiring, you may have a lot more trouble getting insurance to pay for the damage. It’s not worth the risk.


The reason I preach frequent electrical inspection­s is because you can’t always notice problem when the wiring is hiding behind your walls. That said, there are some red flags that you should keep an eye out for.

Be mindful if you have circuits that frequently trip. This happens when the power supplied to the panel exceeds the circuits abilities. We make use of a lot more electronic­s, appliances, and devices than we did 40 years ago. Older homes weren’t designed with our current electrical needs in mind, so your panel may be due for an upgrade.

Pay attention to your electrical outlets. Do they feel hot? Do you see sparks when you connect plugs? Are there visible scorch marks? Do you smell something burning? This can be caused by a bad device, but it could be an electrical overload. Turn off electricit­y to any affected outlets, and call a licensed electrical contractor.

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