National Post

Canada to boycott Durban IV procession

Israel singled-out at South Africa convention


OTTAWA • Liberal MP Anthony Housefathe­r says the federal government will not be taking part in 20th anniversar­y events for an internatio­nal conference where Israel was singled out for condemnati­on.

In a Twitter post Thursday, the Montreal Liberal MP says Ottawa confirmed it will avoid the gathering in South Africa known as Durban IV, which he says “continues to be used to push anti-israel sentiment and as a forum for anti-semitism.”

The United States and Australia have also stated they will steer clear of events commemorat­ing the 2001 Durban Declaratio­n.

The coming event, slated for Sept. 22 and authorized by the United Nations, will mark 20 years since the World Conference on Racism in Durban.


The initial conference was consumed by clashes over the Middle East and the legacy of slavery, prompting the U.S. and Israel to walk out during a meeting over a draft resolution that censured Israel and likened Zionism to racism.

The U.S. did not participat­e in Durban II in 2009 or Durban III in 2011.

“The United States stands with Israel and has always shared its concerns over the Durban processes’ anti-israel sentiment, used as forum for anti-semitism and freedom of expression issues,” a U.S. State Department spokespers­on told ±The Jerusalem Post after the decision was announced on Monday.

B’nai Brith Canada chief executive Michael Mostyn says he is encouraged that Ottawa continues to boycott what his group calls a “profoundly flawed” process tinged with anti-semitism.

“We’re very encouraged to see that the government is adhering to its own values and maintainin­g the standards of its past record of boycotting the profoundly flawed Durban process,” said Mostyn in a statement. “anti-semitism must never be dismissed or ignored, no matter what forum it’s coming from.”

Both B’nai Brith and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center on Wednesday called on the Trudeau government to boycott the conference.

“By publicly stating it will not participat­e in Durban IV, Canada is making it clear that it stands against the ugly anti-semitism and anti-israel hate the conference is known for,” said Jaime Kirzner-roberts, director of policy at the Wiesenthal Center. “We commend Canada for its principled position and for joining other countries, including the U.S. and Australia, in boycotting the upcoming conference.”

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