National Post

Frontier justice still alive and well in NHL


- Scott Stinson in Toronto Postmedia News

We all know where this is heading, yes? National Hockey League director of player safety, Tom Wilson.

I jest, or at least I hope I do, but it’s not that far removed from having George Parros, who had 36 points and more than 1,000 penalty minutes in six NHL seasons, in charge of the NHL’S on-ice disciplina­ry matters. And honestly, would someone like Wilson do the job any worse? Parros has only continued the long tradition of the league’s chief disciplina­rian seemingly deciding individual cases with a Random Punishment Generator. Just when it seems like a situation calls for an obvious harsh sanction — as with repeat offender Wilson’s dangerous dual muggings of two New York Rangers on Monday night — he comes up with the lightest possible penalty, a small fine and no suspension, even when a suspension at the end of a regular season when Wilson’s Washington Capitals have already claimed a playoff spot would have had little material effect on his team.

Instead, Parros and the NHL left it up to the Rangers to settle things, knowing that they played the Capitals again on Wednesday night. And they sure did. Three fights off the opening faceoff, several more after that, and basically an entire first period that might as well have been played in Tombstone, Ariz. Some of the response to the spectacle has been to suggest that it was good for the NHL. Look at all the people who were suddenly tuning into Caps-rangers on a random Wednesday night: You can’t say fighting isn’t good for hockey now! Well, sure. But traffic slows down so people can gawk at a terrible car accident, too. That isn’t an endorsemen­t of the appeal of driving under the influence.

The striking thing about the latest Wilson-related controvers­y is how, despite all the many ways in which the NHL has changed over the decades with Gary Bettman as commission­er, with fighting largely legislated out of the game, violent hits that used to be celebrated now (usually) cause for punishment and bench-clearing brawls only a relic of memory and old VHS tapes, the league still has an internal system of justice that operates independen­tly of whatever Bettman, Parros — or whoever he has in charge of such matters — hands down as discipline.

Indeed, before Parros had even decreed his (non-) punishment over Wilson over his attacks on Pavel Buchnevich and Artemi Panarin, there were those in NHL circles insisting that the oft-suspended winger was only doing what the league effectivel­y allowed him to do once it had legislated the on-ice enforcer out of the game. If the Rangers had a Dave Semenko or Tiger Williams or some other designated face-puncher on the roster, then Wilson wouldn’t have felt free to commit felonies against two opponents in a matter of moments. And after the frontier justice of Wednesday night’s first period at Madison Square Garden, there was much praise, particular­ly from former players now working as television analysts, that the Rangers had stepped up and did what they had to do. If the NHL wasn’t going to punish Wilson, then it was up to the New York players to mete out some accountabi­lity via their fists.

It is bizarre that so many people think this is a normal way for a profession­al sports league to conduct its affairs. Those who bemoan the dearth of goons in today’s NHL prefer the idea of a league in which roster spots are reserved for large men who rarely play but are tossed out on the ice for a bit of unsanction­ed violence, in a way that allows it to do some self-policing. This is the way it used to be, they say, and it worked fine.

But imagine if other sports leagues governed themselves in such a way. Football coaches who sent guys out specifical­ly to attack opponents after the whistle, just to send a message about toughness. A 12th man on a basketball team whose only real job was to enter the game and commit flagrant fouls, and sometimes both teams would put the flagrant-foul guy out at the same time to knock each other to the floor. A pitcher whose specialty was the beanball. It sounds ridiculous, because it would be. Every league makes disciplina­ry decisions that are open to second-guessing, but only in the NHL is it ever suggested that having players sort things out by slugging each other in the helmet and face is the correct method. It even gets discussed as somehow the more noble way to handle such matters, this gauzy, weird alternate reality in which hockey fighters are the guardians of honour, a throwback to the sport’s blue-collar roots, before the NHL went to places like Silicon Valley and all the Europeans and Russians arrived.

It’s understand­able why certain fans might still feel this way. Provided you set aside the modern understand­ing of the dangers of blows to the head and the horror stories of the former fighters who suffered long after their playing days, there is a certain romance to the idea of the toothless heroes who would rather settle things on the ice than let some guy in suit do it for them. But it’s beyond strange when the NHL, and the guy in the suit, evidently feels the same way.

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 ?? BRUCE BENNETT / POOL PHOTO VIA AP ?? Washington Capitals forward Tom Wilson yells at the New York Rangers bench after taking a second-period
penalty during an NHL game Monday in New York.
BRUCE BENNETT / POOL PHOTO VIA AP Washington Capitals forward Tom Wilson yells at the New York Rangers bench after taking a second-period penalty during an NHL game Monday in New York.

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