National Post



The great CEO stampede into the ESG corral where they systematic­ally steer-wrestle the most successful and productive engine of economic progress — the profit-seeking corporatio­n — is hard to justify. As The Economist put it a few weeks ago in an editorial on the rise of “the political CEO,” the corporate thrust into non-corporate affairs represents a dangerous expansion of power. “The closer they get to the government, the more they threaten both the economy and politics.”

By moving into the political realm, adds The Economist, CEOS are straying from Milton Friedman’s “better way of thinking about companies and politics.” As noted on this page frequently, Friedman is right when he said that profit is a company’s only purpose.

Given the principles involved and the success of the model, why are Canadian and U.S. executives joining the ESG revolution, fists raised and shouting slogans? The only explanatio­n that makes sense is that they are trying to create a middle ground between extremes on the left and right.

Targets vary from day to day, but the sitting corporate duck of the moment is Facebook. Operating under a form of ESG self-protection, Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, delegated content monitoring to an independen­t outside Oversight Board. The board this week upheld an earlier corporate decision to ban former president Donald Trump. In his response, Trump reflected the views of millions of Americans. “Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth,” he said. “These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price.”

Among Trump’s backers on the right is Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. In a new book out this week titled The Tyranny of Big Tech, Hawley delivers a broad anti-corporate rant against all big business. He calls for a breakup of Big Tech and proposes a national prohibitio­n on all “mergers and acquisitio­ns for corporatio­ns larger than $100 billion. No exceptions.”

Hawley, backed by Ron Desantis, Republican Governor of Florida, also jabs at political CEOS and the ESG governance movement. “What the woke capitalist­s want, along with their allies in government, is to preserve their power over American politics and society.”

So, that’s on the right. On the left, the anti-corporate roar is just as loud. Democratic President Joe Biden has been berating corporate America for some time, referring to “greedy as hell” large corporatio­ns and promising to put “an end to the era of shareholde­r capitalism,” a direct hit on the corporate principles outlined by Friedman.

Biden is assembling an antitrust team that, according to many Democrats, should take aim at a range of sectors: tech, health care, agricultur­e, banking.

In this view, Facebook and the internet giants are the high-profile symbols of CEO greed and excessive corporate control. While getting rich, they leave environmen­tal and social destructio­n in their wake. Ultimately, corporatio­ns lack moral fibre and social conscience.

A portrait of Facebook and its CEO as somehow lacking in moral fibre was strangely drawn the other day by Malcolm Gladwell, the New Yorker journalist whose new book, The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War, was published this week.

The Bomber Mafia tells the story of how famed U.S. Gen. Curtis Lemay ordered the 1945 napalm bombing of scores of Japanese cities. In an interview last week with the host of CBC Radio One’s The Current, Matt Galloway, Gladwell outlined his view of the moral issues at play and their connection with Facebook and Zuckerberg.

Galloway opens the moral question: “How did he (Lemay) justify that? I mean, there’s hundreds of thousands of civilians who are killed in these bombing raids.”

Gladwell: “He probably kills close to a million people in the summer of ‘45. He justifies it by saying the best outcome for all involved is for the war to end as soon as possible. And the best way for me to end the war with Japan as soon as possible is to burn every building they have to the ground, incinerate everyone I can ….”

Galloway: “… you’ve hinted at this, what does it mean to be moral in a modern world? That’s something that you ask in the book. What does it mean?”

Gladwell: “… You know, Mark Zuckerberg … I don’t get the sense that he is losing sleep at night over the moral implicatio­ns of Facebook. … Today’s version of the bomber mafia would just say we found a way to kill people more efficientl­y and leave it at that. I don’t think they would have asked that question. And that’s why I think this story is important to tell, because it’s a reminder of the responsibi­lity of innovating.”

Galloway: “... you really think that he (Zuckerberg) doesn’t lose any sleep over what he created ostensibly with the best of intentions, has unleashed on the world?”

Gladwell: “… I don’t mean to say that he doesn’t want to do good in the world because he does give away, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars to worthy causes . ... I think you would have difficulty convincing him that Facebook was, on balance, a bad thing. I think he would say, no, the good outweighs the bad. And maybe he’s right.”

No wonder corporate CEOS — from Mark Zuckerberg to Canadian bankers and the global investment community — are jumping aboard the ESG movement. But are they thinking through the moral and other implicatio­ns of their roles as political CEOS?

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