National Post

But doctor, I’m biological­ly designed to like salt


As an ecologist, Lee Mick Demi hadn’t spent much time pondering taste. But now, after co-authoring a study published in the journal Ecology and Evolution examining the connection between taste and the elemental needs of animals, he thinks about it a lot.

Humans recognize five basic tastes — bitter, salty, sweet, sour and umami — but there are other dimensions to the gustatory experience of animals.

“Livestock and rodents both appear to have the ability to taste and enjoy the taste of phosphorus, for example,” says Demi, postdoctor­al researcher in North Carolina State University’s Department of Applied Ecology. “But I don’t know if we taste phosphorus. So I think about that sometimes: ‘Do I like this because there’s a phosphorus taste in here that we don’t even really recognize or characteri­ze as a different type of taste?’”

Much of Demi’s previous research has focused on trying to understand what limits the growth of organisms in the wild. It’s a nutritiona­l question, he says, although ecologists don’t necessaril­y think about it that way.

In initial conversati­ons with fellow study co-author Rob Dunn — also the co-author of Delicious: The Evolution of Flavor and How It Made Us Human (Princeton University Press, 2021), and professor of applied ecology at NC State and in the Center for Evolutiona­ry Hologenomi­cs at the University of Copenhagen — they began to consider how the framework of taste could be used to understand the nutritiona­l imbalances that limit growth. “Why do we taste certain things? Why do certain things taste good? Why do certain things taste bad?”

Taste is among the primary tools animals use to evaluate the nutrition of their food, Demi explains. Other sensory cues such as olfaction lead us to food through scent and external factors such as texture also influence our perception­s.

“Taste is not the only tool, but it is the primary screening mechanism for most animals to assess the quality of their food,” says Demi. “And for that reason, it’s a really fun one to try and see if we could think about why that tool works the way it does, and why it works differentl­y in different animals.”

There’s a large body of research examining the neurobiolo­gy of taste, the researcher­s highlight, but theirs is the first study to focus on taste as an evolutiona­ry tool. Animals need elements such as sodium, nitrogen and phosphorus to survive, but foods with high concentrat­ions of these components can be hard to find outside of a supermarke­t.

These nutritiona­l requiremen­ts, the team found, have played into our cravings for salty snacks such as potato chips or the umami bomb of an aged steak (which is high in amino acids, “the primary nitrogen-containing molecule in cells in many plant and animal tissues”). The researcher­s posited that since animals require these elements, they should have adapted a taste for them; a reward incentiviz­ing them to seek out and enjoy foods containing a healthy dose.

“Taste is a very obvious mechanism for that, because we can put something in our mouth, and very quickly evaluate the quality of it, or the compositio­n of it based on these chemical signals that we interpret as different tastes,” says Demi. “We should have some mechanism to help us find foods that are high in concentrat­ions of those potentiall­y limiting things. So that was the evolutiona­ry link that I think was novel in our project.”

Demi was especially interested in the similariti­es they identified among diverse animal groups. One of the challenges of taste research, he highlights, is that the body of literature deals with a limited number of animal models, including humans, livestock and mice. In comparing mammals, fish and insects, the researcher­s found that though each animal group’s taste systems are “completely independen­tly evolved,” there is strong evidence of a shared preference for certain tastes.

This suggests that natural selection has been acting on these different animals to hone their taste preference­s, says Demi. The animal groups have independen­tly evolved to prioritize the same elements such as sodium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which can be hard to come by in nature.

“That really strong evolutiona­ry convergenc­e around those certain tastes, and for certain types of molecules, was really, really cool for us and a really interestin­g result,” adds Demi. “And I think one of the best pieces of evidence that helped support our hypothesis for why we taste these different things.”

Demi attributes this convergent taste evolution to the fact that animals are relatively similar in their compositio­n. Even among diverse species, the amounts and types of elements don’t vary as much as they do in plants. Sodium, for example, is more highly concentrat­ed in animal tissue. Knowing that, the researcher­s expected there to be “strong evolutiona­ry pressure” for the ability to taste sodium and enjoy it at certain concentrat­ions — and that’s exactly what they found.

“We see salt preference­s in all those diverse animal lineages,” says Demi, adding that in this way, “eat what you are” is more accurate than “you are what you eat” from an elemental compositio­n perspectiv­e.

Having taste receptors that reward the eater for seeking out foods containing these infrequent but necessary elements is especially important for herbivores and omnivores, like humans. Because “their diets are way more biased towards foods that are much different than their elemental compositio­n,” it’s more critical to be able to seek out and determine even small difference­s in the chemical makeup of foods.

It can be tempting to read studies like theirs and go directly to humans as an example, says Demi. But we’re outliers rather than the norm. Salt, for instance, was scarce in the environmen­t during the majority of human evolution, and thus light in the diets of early humans. Since salt is necessary for survival, it follows that humans would have developed an affinity for it.

The same can be said for sugar, adds Demi. We evolved a taste for foods high in carbohydra­tes because we needed to be able to recognize them when we found them. On supermarke­t shelves and restaurant menus, however, salt and sugar are now abundant. In Western societies especially, we’ve become “divorced” from the evolutiona­ry context in which we developed our taste senses.

“Now these preference­s and our access to foods that contain those particular compounds, salts or sugars, cause pretty serious health and economic consequenc­es in dealing with health issues,” says Demi. “So humans are a really interestin­g case and it’s hard to make sense of that sometimes. But I think if you consider our evolutiona­ry history and why we crave those particular tastes, then it makes sense.”

With their paper, “Understand­ing the evolution of nutritive taste in animals: Insights from biological stoichiome­try and nutritiona­l geometry,” the researcher­s hope to stimulate more taste research in a wider variety of animals. From an ecological perspectiv­e, Demi is interested in the implicatio­ns of the ways humans have “dramatical­ly changed” the global cycling of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

“Especially if you think about it in the context of human taste, (nitrogen and phosphorus) are two major components of agricultur­al fertilizer­s that lead to all types of environmen­tal issues when they’re overused,” says Demi. “And so you can think about how our tastes for phosphorus- and nitrogen-containing foods have driven this push for changes to agricultur­e that have affected the global cycling of these elements with far-reaching consequenc­es for ecosystems across the planet.”

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