National Post




1 Go round a church, finding source of strength? (7)

5 One who wrote a lot of nonsense about the tanned skin (7)

9 Lost for words as we crashed wagon (3-6)

10 New guy on manoeuvres (5)

11 Bury artist the old man ignored (5)

12 Drifter managed – is back under canvas? (9)

13 Girl, Sheila, wrong about wager (9)

16 What’s tea passed round in? (5)

17 Mostly ineffectiv­e, church magazine in the past (5)

18 Recovering as a result of continuous­ly swallowing them (2,3,4)

20 Becoming popular again, vital following short break (9)

23 Jack and king Welshman rejected (5)

25 Anxious, on edge over Vaslav Nijinsky’s last letters (5)

26 Spotted after a bishop avoided voting (9)

27 Parking, about to deliver lead (7)

28 US writer, bod losing face employing me! (7)


1 Disease spreading in popular resort area? (7)

2 Awkward finding swan caught up in it (5)

3 Outcome of a fine spell at hotel (9)

4 Search round area, place frequently visited (5)

5 Instantly enjoy, when spicy (4,1,4)

6 Donkey crossing near deep chasm (5)

7 Drink in bistro, perhaps, in centre of Leeds after bingo success (5,4)

8 Target a rearranged event on water (7)

14 Poetic island’s tavern is empty (9)

15 Clear former partner with single charge (9)

16 Staunch pal’s defeat on board (9)

17 Mostly trim, then cut, root vegetable (7)

19 Study involving leader of sect in Red China (7)

21 Verse of Frost heard? (5)

22 Having head of security inside gallery makes sense (5)

24 Woman, part of champagne set (5)

 ??  ??

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