National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Enlarge a hole

5. Places for truck drivers

9. Resistant to

13. Having some pretention­s

14. Motherless calf

15. Tie up a boat

16. Select things so that they work well together

18. Tree trunk

19. Catches sight of

20. Make invalid

22. By bad luck

24. You can melt ice with it

25. Island country southwest of Sri Lanka

29. Heaviness

33. Metric land measure

34. Daytime dramas

36. One who courts

37. Quiet rooms

39. Legal court documents

41. Prominent part of the face

42. Shrubs yielding indigo

44. Falls in flakes

46. Behave towards

47. Paper for envelopes

49. Comes from

51. Beer joints

53. Keep from falling, with “up”

54. Hotel bar

57. Three-legged stand

61. The longest sentence

62. Pharmacist

64. Person who is famous

65. Forming sticky threads

66. Out of the wind

67. Fishing boat

68. Small remnant

69. A reduced amount of


1. Try to beat

2. Greek god of love

3. Higher than

4. So many that they cannot be counted

5. Trick somebody

6. Ice cream thickener

7. Insect injuries

8. Plank you can ride up and down on

9. Desire to be successful

10. Midday

11. Let the cat out of the bag

12. Anger

14. Deny knowledge of

17. Sandwich shops

21. Ball of yarn

23. Gunlock catches

25. Word used to address a woman in a letter

26. Place where sports takes place

27. First premier of the Soviet Union

28. Row of bones down your back

30. Stop shining, as a light

31. “Der Steppenwol­f” author

32. Forest sights

35. Walk heavily

38. Not to be trusted

40. Dark-complexion­ed

43. Speak drunkenly

45. Make noise in bed

48. “All ___!” (conductor’s cry)

50. Of the highest point

52. Abnormally deep sleep

54. A prime minister and president of Yugoslavia

55. At a great distance

56. Be dejected

58. Very light in colour

59. Metal-bearing minerals

60. Gives a new colour to

61. Psychedeli­c drug

63. Two-year-old sheep

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