National Post

What’s Liberals’ excuse for latest travesty?

Anti-racism consultant debacle

- rex murphy National Post The big issues are far from settled. Sign up for the NP Comment newsletter, NP Platformed, at nationalpo­





Here is the essence of the extraordin­ary story of the Federal Anti-racism Secretaria­t and Laith Marouf, its dollar-swaddled beneficiar­y.

A grant of 133,000 taxpayer dollars is given to the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) to build an anti-racism strategy for the broadcasti­ng sector. The CMAC’S senior consultant, Laith Marouf, has made multiple antisemiti­c posts. He is also not kind to Americans or French Canadians. He is a practised gymnast of vile attitudes.

As human rights champion Irwin Cotler records on Twitter, “Over 100 of his posts have been compiled with these hateful, bigoted comments that target not only Jews, whom he referred to as ‘loud mouthed bags of human feces,’ but also francophon­es, and former U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell, whom he described as a ‘Jamaican house-slave’ and rejoiced at his death.”

Laith Marouf wasn’t sailing close to the wind of antisemiti­sm — he was his own one-person tornado of the stuff. Funny how obliging Twitter is when Jews are assailed and when such delicacies as “bags of feces” ornament its platform. Its otherwise eagle-eyed monitors leap to the ban button on the slightest diversion from woke dogmas. But sidle up to anti-jewish tropes and Twitter can take its time.

True, Marouf was once banned, but a quick change of handle and he was back again with slanders and hate messages and language that only someone with a fluency in recklessly crude comment could call upon.

Now, thanks to journalist Jonathan Kay and telecommun­ications consultant Mark Goldberg, Marouf’s spittle-choked tweets are known to all who care to know. Also the cabinet minister who tossed out the 133 grand, Ahmed Hussen, is all handsup astonished and vowing to look into the matter.

Hussen, I regret to say, is not Sherlock Holmes. For that matter he is not even Inspector Clouseau.

For Minister Hussen has asked CMAC to investigat­e how it came to hire Marouf. A question of impressive redundancy for CMAC, which is the creation and vehicle of Marouf and his wife, Gretchen King.

In a tweet, UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer asked Hussen the extremely pertinent question: “You are calling on CMAC to answer “how they came to hire Laith Marouf”? Are you not aware that he and his wife Gretchen King *are* CMAC? That they and CMAC share the same address?”

Allow me to translate. Mr. Hussen, instead of asking how his department, how his civil servants, how Heritage Canada’s Anti-racism Secretaria­t sloshed out huge bags of money to an obvious hate-monger, is asking CMAC, which is Laith Marouf’s creation, how it came to hire ... Laith Marouf.

Hussen has a duty here — if the word “duty” has any fading currency in this careless and showily pious government. Explain how your government, under the banner of anti-racism, gave support, endorsemen­t and money to Laith Marouf. And please, please, stop the pantomime of asking Marouf to explain the hiring of Marouf.

Jews are special. That may seem like an abrupt transition. It is not.

No one could use the language, express the contempt and rage on Twitter about any other so-called “marginaliz­ed” group with even one-tenth of the ferocity that Marouf used in reference to “Zionists,” as he did for years, with reference to Jews and Israel, and not be called out, shamed and, yes, cancelled.

My point: Slander, insult and actual hate against Jews gets a pass — until some truly extreme example calls attention to it.

Try referencin­g any “marginaliz­ed” group as “bags of feces” and see how long any journalist, politician or ordinary citizen would last.

Next point. Every outrageous action by this government seems to have a threeor four-day currency. Summer lightning. This should be different. This one cuts to the Trudeau government’s central identity. It is against prejudice. It is woke to the nth degree. And yet it throws dollars to an “anti-racist” who spews antisemiti­c tweets?

Hussen gave money to an antisemiti­c hate-monger in the name of “anti-racism.” Was it simply enough for this virtue-signalling government for a man to raise his hand and say “I am anti-hate and for diversity,” for it to open the cash register?

Did it do any real vetting? Let us see the records. Who called to check on CMAC? Who tested its claims? Visited its office? What made it worthy of being a media “advisory” group? Did any officials actually talk with Marouf or his wife? Were any department staff at his presentati­ons to see that taxpayer money was not being abused?

Or was it simply enough for Marouf and CMAC to say they were “against racism” to fund him on a cross-canada tour to “cleanse” Canadian media of their bias? Name the checks that were done, Minister Hussen. Why did you fund him?

That, as friend Hamlet once put it, is the question.


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