National Post



- Sam metz mosa’ab elshamy and in Tafeghaght­e, Morocco

Survivors with shovels worked alongside bulldozers Monday to dig through remote Moroccan villages flattened by a monstrous earthquake, as hope dwindled of finding people alive under woodand-dirt homes that pancaked into rubble and rescuers overseas waited for Morocco to let them help.

More than 2,400 were killed when the quake struck late Friday — the strongest in the North African country in more than a century.

A French aid group that specialize­s in locating people trapped under debris said it is withdrawin­g an offer to send a nine-person searchand-rescue team after waiting without success for a green light from Morocco to deploy. Rescuers Without Borders’ founder, Arnaud Fraisse, told The Associated Press that “our role is not to find bodies.”

Because homes in quakehit areas were often made of mud bricks with roofs of wood, stone and clay, he said, the hope of finding survivors at this point is slim.

“When all of that collapses, you don’t have much chance of surviving, because there are no air pockets,” Fraisse said — a contrast to places where buildings are made of concrete or other strong materials.

“People are generally suffocated by the dust.”

Moroccan officials have so far accepted government-offered aid from just four countries — Spain, Qatar, Britain and the United Arab Emirates.

Morocco’s Interior Ministry says officials want to avoid a lack of co-ordination that “would be counterpro­ductive.”

The United Nations estimates that 300,000 people were affected by Friday night’s magnitude 6.8 quake, made more dangerous by its relatively shallow depth.

Most of the destructio­n and deaths were in Al Haouz province in the High Atlas Mountains, where homes folded in on themselves and steep and winding roads became clogged with rubble. Residents sometimes cleared away rocks themselves.

In the remote impoverish­ed settlement of Tafeghaght­e, villagers estimated that more than half of the 160 inhabitant­s were killed. People worked quickly to clear dead bodies, but a foul stench filled the air Monday from what residents said were dead cattle. Most buildings had disintegra­ted.

Ibrahim Wahdouch lost two young daughters and two other family members and likened the village to a war zone.

“There’s not shooting, but look around,” he said.

On Monday, a teen carried a shovel through the rocks, bulldozers cleaned up debris and survivors steered away from half-wrecked buildings that threatened to collapse.

A day earlier, people cheered when trucks full of soldiers arrived in the town of Amizmiz, down the mountain from Tafeghaght­e. But they pleaded for more help.

“It’s a catastroph­e,” said survivor Salah Ancheu.

“We don’t know what the future is. The aid remains insufficie­nt.”

Army units deployed Monday along a paved road leading from Amizmiz to remoter mountain villages. State news agency MAP reported that bulldozers and other equipment are being used to clear routes.

Tourists and residents lined up to give blood. In some villages, people wept as boys and helmet-clad police carried the dead through streets.

Offers of help poured in from around the world. But Moroccan authoritie­s frustrated some overseas rescuers who didn’t want to deploy without official approval, which wasn’t quickly forthcomin­g.

Fraisse of Rescuers Without Borders said about 100 teams — with roughly 3,000 rescuers in total — that are registered with the United Nations could have deployed quickly to the city of Marrakech that was also hit by the quake.

He surmised that Moroccan authoritie­s may be trying to avoid the logistical chaos seen when a 2004 quake killed more 600 people and aid flights overwhelme­d an airport in the disaster zone.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said Morocco is “the master of its choices, which must be respected.”

She announced 5 million euros (US$5.4 million) in emergency funds for Moroccan and internatio­nal non-government­al groups rushing to help survivors.

Those left homeless — or fearing more aftershock­s — have slept outside in the streets of the ancient city of Marrakech or under makeshift canopies in devastated Atlas Mountain towns like Moulay Brahim.

“I was asleep when the earthquake struck. I could not escape because the roof fell on me. I was trapped. I was saved by my neighbours, who cleared the rubble with their bare hands,” said Fatna Bechar. “Now, I am living with them in their house because mine was completely destroyed.”

The quake had a preliminar­y magnitude of 6.8 and hit at 11:11 p.m. Friday, the USGS said. A total of 2,497 people have been confirmed dead and at least 2,476 others were injured, the Interior Ministry reported.

Aftershock­s have since hit the zone, rattling nerves in areas where damage has left buildings unstable.

 ?? CARL COURT / GETTY IMAGES ?? A woman sits amid the rubble of her village in Douzrou, which was almost completely destroyed by Friday’s quake.
CARL COURT / GETTY IMAGES A woman sits amid the rubble of her village in Douzrou, which was almost completely destroyed by Friday’s quake.

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