National Post

Uninspirin­g cancellati­on


Re: Israeli cyclist disinvited from Women’s Day event — Feb. 21

Such a dishearten­ing piece of news among so many others about the Israel-hamas conflict, the horror of which just keeps spreading into the most unlikely of places, this time to the cancellati­on of an event to celebrate Internatio­nal Women’s Day in Peterborou­gh, Ont.

Leah Goldstein, a most remarkable athlete and inspiratio­nal woman, was invited to be the keynote speaker, and then ghosted because “someone” discovered she had served in the Israeli army three decades ago. She lives in Vancouver and actually won a 4,800-kilometre bike ride across the United States. And yet simply because she was in the Israeli army (which everyone with the exception of the ultra-orthodox is required to do), the organizers cancelled her.

One could be outraged and blame the woke INSPIRE organizers but it is more than likely that they invited Goldstein not realizing they would be attacked and shamed for their choice. Another tragic piece to this intractabl­e puzzle.

Jane Harris, Vancouver

The message this story gives to young people is both upsetting and dangerous. Preventing someone from speaking because of their Jewish heritage normalizes prejudice against all Jews. The fact that the organizers of an event that seeks to “honour, share and celebrate the remarkable stories of women” capitulate­d to the bullies demanding Leah Goldstein’s removal presents a missed opportunit­y to show girls (and boys) how to use their voice to stand up to the hate, intoleranc­e and misogyny they will encounter in their lives.

We urge the leaders of INSPIRE to follow the example of the NHL, which stood up to an Internatio­nal Ice Hockey Federation ban against Israel participat­ing in a hockey tournament and convinced IIHF to reverse its decision. Let’s send the right message to future generation­s.

Marcy Bruck, The Foundation for Genocide Education, Montreal

INSPIRE should be required to change its name to CAVE or SUCCUMB or FECKLESS or COWARDICE to better reflect the intent and meaning of the organizati­on.

Jack Shore, Toronto

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