National Post

In a world seeking comfort, could pampered workouts help?

‘Cosy cardio’ gaining popularity

- Melissa Rayworth

Political polarizati­on. Economic struggles. Inequity. Climate change. War. In an often-bruising world, you can hardly blame people for seeking out ways to cushion themselves. From weighted blankets to “cosy” murder mystery novels to entire restaurant­s and cookbooks based on childhood comfort foods, the appetite for comfortabl­e things just keeps growing.

Now some are seeking comfort even in their physical exertion. They are, it seems, entering the era of “cosy cardio,” an activity that lies right at the crossroads of gym workout, self-pampering evening ... and nap time.

This method of (minimal) calorie burning has gained popularity on Tiktok and Instagram ever since a woman named Hope Zuckerbrow began posting videos in late 2022. Let’s describe it by what it doesn’t do. It doesn’t require you to:

❚ Squeeze into spandex workout clothes.

❚ Head out into the cold to drive to a fluorescen­tly lit gym.

❚ Lift heavy things.

❚ Get winded to the beat of pulsating music.

Cosy cardio simply involves walking in place — in the comfort of your home — using a mini treadmill or “walking pad.” No stress, no membership fees, no preening for other, buffer-thanthou gym rats. And you can even have a cup of hot tea by your side.

“I get so many messages from men and women — so many people — saying something along the lines of ‘thank you so much for kind of flipping my mindset on what I thought exercise is supposed to be,’ ” Zuckerbrow says. “This feels so doable.”


The key is the setup. Wearing soft sweatpants and your favourite comfy shirt, you light a few scented candles, make a healthy smoothie or pot of tea, dim the lights and put on a favourite TV show. With your drink handy, you walk for an hour while getting lost in

whatever you’re watching, maybe walking just a bit more vigorously once you’re warmed up.

When Zuckerbrow posts on social media, “80 per cent to 90 per cent of the video itself is me romanticiz­ing the exercise that I’m about to do,” she says. “I am setting up my favourite beverage and I’m lighting those candles and my Scentsy and I’m getting my TV show.”

No, walking won’t give you six-pack abs. But could cosy cardio, which embraces the most appealing aspects of being a couch potato while keeping you off the couch, help even hardcore gym-avoiders stick with exercise

long after New Year’s resolution season ends?

For people battling the common barriers to exercise, the answer could be yes, says Alex Montoye, assistant professor of clinical exercise physiology at Alma College in Michigan.

Montoye cautions that if you’re downshifti­ng from vigorous daily workouts to something this mellow, the health benefits may plummet. But for someone who would otherwise watch TV from the couch, he says, it’s progress to watch while walking — especially if it becomes a daily habit.

People struggle to make healthy habits stick, which

makes cosy exercise “kind of a genius idea,” says Catherine Sanderson, a professor of psychology at Amherst College in Massachuse­tts and author of The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity.

“It fits in with a lot of what we know about how to get people to actually maintain behaviour change,” Sanderson says.

Along with removing the barriers to exercise, she says, “it very much relies on what psychologi­sts would call positive reinforcem­ent — the idea of, ‘It’s not just that I’m exercising. I’m getting to watch my favourite show. I’m tapping into something I want to be doing already.’ ”


The cosy approach also works for gymgoers who feel burned out at the idea of constant striving. Ko Im, a mental health advocate who has taught yoga and meditation in New York and other U.S. cities, remembers a phase several years ago when “yoga challenges” were a trend.

“It was the yoga pose of the day — really, really hard yoga poses,” Im says. More recently, she sees people pushing themselves to make the leaderboar­d in all their Peloton classes or to lose five more pounds.

“What I like,” she says, “is the idea of enjoying the journey, not the goal. Does it feel good in my body today?”

As cosy cardio gains traction, Zuckerbrow hears from people who didn’t realize they could enjoy the journey.

Alyssa Royse, owner of Rocket Community Fitness in Seattle, has been alternatin­g between full-on workouts at her gym and cosy exercise at home. Some days she switches off the sound on her Peloton and just pedals while watching “the trashiest TV I can find, because it just takes my brain somewhere else.”

 ?? HOPE ZUCKERBROW / VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Hope Zuckerbrow, founder of the cosy cardio wellness movement, shows her workout setup, including a walking pad, smoothie and remote control for watching television.
HOPE ZUCKERBROW / VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hope Zuckerbrow, founder of the cosy cardio wellness movement, shows her workout setup, including a walking pad, smoothie and remote control for watching television.
 ?? ?? Hope Zuckerbrow
Hope Zuckerbrow

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