National Post

Ashamed of Canada


Re: How many Liberals back Hamas? — Michael Higgins, March 20

The MPS who voted in favour of a patently anti-israel motion Monday night certainly must know that the Palestinia­ns do not want a two-state solution, or at least not one that accommodat­es both Jews and Arabs. We know that if there is a two-state “solution” imposed on Israel said state will be Judenrein (Jew-free); they’ve said so themselves ... too many times to count. And because of actions like theirs, this Judenrein state is moving closer to reality.

To reward Hamas with a state, because it committed the most heinous act of terror in Israel’s history, represents downright capitulati­on to terrorism. The unabashed support for Monday night’s non-binding resolution that was passed in the House of Commons was shocking, especially considerin­g that Canada was an ally.

Israel is quite literally fighting an existentia­l battle that continues to worsen by the day, particular­ly when those who want it destroyed are supported by people like those who hold important positions in government. They, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran et al, are watching and they see this. Accordingl­y, they will continue (and have said so) to press on with their genocidal actions toward Israel because they see how well it works. That there are still hostages held, not to mention that there were any hostages to begin with, speaks volumes about the character of those with whom the Israelis must deal.

To be sure, as once said by Shimon Peres, you don’t need to make peace with your friends. This is an oft-quoted statement made by those who still believe that there’s even a possibilit­y for a two-state solution to exist. But this facile concept belies the fact that you can’t make peace with an implacable enemy dedicated to your utter annihilati­on either.

I am absolutely ashamed of our country right now. Howard C. Tenenbaum, Thornhill, Ont.

It was rather amusing and not a little ironic to see NDP MP Heather Macpherson trumpeting the success of her motion ending the sale of armaments to Israel. Does she think this will cripple Israel? Bring Israel to its knees?

The Israelis, who are far more astute than the NDP and many members of the Liberal caucus, figured out some time ago that they cannot depend on their frenemies like Canada, so they have developed their own arms industry. This has resulted in numerous countries around the world concluding multi-million and even billion-dollar arms purchases from Israel.

In contrast, Canada, by Justin Trudeau’s own admission, has about three days’ worth of arms with which to defend itself should this become necessary. Canada is in fact a sitting duck for any of the superpower­s eyeing our wealth of natural resources, thoughtful­ly left untouched by the Liberal government. We already have Russian and Chinese submarines operating unhindered in the Arctic. At what point will we face a real challenge?

Should this come to pass, the more likely scenario is that Canada would have to go to Israel, hat in hand, begging for arms.

E. Joan O’callaghan, Toronto

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