National Post

Why are so many women woke?

Scandinavi­an study reveals male-female dichotomy

- AMY HAMM National Post Amy Hamm is a freelance writer and health-care profession­al. She is co-founder of the non-partisan Canadian Women’s Sex-based Rights (cawsbar).

Amajority of Canadians reject “wokeness,” according to recent polls. But more than that, a new paper in the Scandinavi­an Journal of Psychology reveals something else — a male-female dichotomy. It is women who, for unclear reasons, disproport­ionately promulgate and buttress such progressiv­e ideology. These findings are not surprising to anyone who has loudly opposed the politics of woke — myself included — and who has had largely female wrath visited upon them for their heresy.

Women should reject leftist radicalism. We suffer because of it. Instead, we promote it at work, in universiti­es, in politics, our communitie­s, and at home. We are the primary drivers of woke hogwash. This admission is both humiliatin­g and enraging — but it’s true. Canadian institutio­ns are beholden to this mostly female minority that not only bores us to tears — care to hear another personaliz­ed land acknowledg­ment, anyone? — but terrorizes us at the mere scent of wavering fealty.

“Wokeness” has been described as everything from a political epithet for a bogeyman of the extreme left to a catch-all for any cause whatsoever that concerns itself with the well-being of an identifiab­le group. A more reasonable definition, borrowed from political scientist Yascha Mounk, is that wokeness is a version of social justice based on what he terms “the identity synthesis.” It views human beings not as individual­s, but as a collection of group identities that are either oppressed, or oppressive. And to be oppressed is to be virtuous; to be a victim is to hold precious social cachet. The more oppressed one is, the better a person they are — and the more we should all be forced to cater to their every whimsical desire. It goes without saying that wokeness is a race to the bottom of human dignity, potential and uniqueness.

Wokeness has infiltrate­d every aspect of our society — from education to employment to sports. Yet it is women who suffer the most severe consequenc­es. We are the ones who have lost our private spaces and sports categories. Our girls are expected to undress in change rooms with grown, intact males. Complaints not permitted. We’ve been accomplice­s in silencing ourselves, demonizing ourselves, and cheering on those who wish to refer to us by our body parts or functions. That any woman accepts “uterus owner” or “chest feeder” as something other than misogynist­ic tripe is incomprehe­nsible. Utter nonsense. Why would we do this to ourselves?

The Scandinavi­an researcher­s referred to an emergent and global public discourse on “woke” as a debate that has been “largely datafree.” In response, they crunched numbers from two studies to reveal the huge sex divide on the subject. The authors retitled “woke,” with academic flourish, as “critical social justice attitudes.” And who holds these attitudes the most? Women, of course — more than twice as often as men.

In saner times, the statements the researcher­s used to gauge public sentiment would read as (bad) parody. But we do not live in sane times. Study participan­ts were asked to agree or disagree with everything from “(U)niversity reading lists should include fewer white or European authors” and “(T)he ideas of Karl Marx should not have more influence in national politics” to “(T)here are no biological difference­s between men and women.” The statements were selected oft-used opinions espoused by the shills of intersecti­onal feminism, queer theory and post-colonial theory (among others). The resulting analysis concluded that these ideas had “little to no support from men” but “moderate” support from women. The authors did not provide an explanatio­n and suggested future studies examine why women are “woker” than men.

Why is this happening? Does far-left ideology fill a void in certain women? What is that void? Is it that droves of Western women are deciding not to have children? Are we replacing babies with “oppressed people”? Is it simply in our female nature to be drawn in by the allure of what some see as virtuous compassion for the downtrodde­n? There is ample evidence that empathy is a biological and

sex-differenti­ated phenomenon, rooted, unsurprisi­ngly, in the female role of motherhood. And while modern feminist theory has it that divergent behaviours between the sexes are always taught and enforced — socially constructe­d, as they say — scant evidence supports such a claim.

Female compassion is an enticing explanatio­n for all of this. However, if we accept that women embrace wokeness because of their relatively more empathetic nature, a new problem emerges: Why, when women are shown the naked truth (sometimes literally, à la exhibition­ist males in our private spaces) about the harms of this ideology, do they simply not denounce it? Why do they want to stick around to find out the next degrading moniker they’re expected to refer to themselves by? If “front-hole haver” doesn’t inspire in all women a vicious rage, I can’t imagine what will.

There’s something more going on. If women possess an evolutiona­rily superior sense of compassion, it doesn’t make sense that so many of us would happily give away our daughters’ rights to fair sports or sex-segregated spaces. Or accept that female rape victims should shut up about the males inside their refuges. These are not compassion­ate or empathetic things to do.

Some claim that a cabal of wealthy, powerful men is taking advantage of women’s good nature and manipulati­ng us into wokeness. This claim is neither compelling nor compliment­ary of female intelligen­ce. Quite the opposite: To argue that machiavell­ian men have the prowess to control our thoughts and actions necessitat­es our entire sex being stupid. We need to admit, instead, that a subset of women is complicit in this culture-destroying, thought-terminatin­g scourge.

There is a deep cruelty in radical progressiv­eness. To woke persons, others can only be saintly or evil — nothing in-between. It evokes the psychology of the “in-group, outgroup” dynamic, which, curiously, is a dynamic more often enforced by females. In psychology studies, women have also been shown to demonstrat­e higher degrees of malevolenc­e when compared with males. Perhaps this is the uncomforta­ble answer needed to explain the male-female wokeness divide: Perhaps it is not a tendril of our good nature that makes women “woker” than men but merely a reflection of our darker, malicious side.

Whatever it happens to be, what’s clear is that we need more women to demonstrat­e the courage of their conviction­s — and denounce the destructiv­e, far-left dogma that is running roughshod over the majority of Canadians.

 ?? ALLISON JOYCE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? We need more women to demonstrat­e the courage of their conviction­s — and denounce the destructiv­e,
far-left dogma of wokeness that is running roughshod over Canadians, Amy Hamm says.
ALLISON JOYCE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILES We need more women to demonstrat­e the courage of their conviction­s — and denounce the destructiv­e, far-left dogma of wokeness that is running roughshod over Canadians, Amy Hamm says.

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