National Post

Backing Hamas cheapens heroic aid work

Terrorists alone responsibl­e for Gaza carnage

- Avi Benlolo

The tragic loss of seven World Central Kitchen staff members providing aid in Gaza exposed not only the dire consequenc­es of war but also the not-so-shocking media and political bias against Israel. We are heartbroke­n over the seven heroes accidental­ly killed in an IDF strike on their aid convoy.

Sadly, in war zones, aid workers who give a helping hand purely out of the goodness of their hearts are among the innocent victims. Speaking from personal experience, when humanitari­ans venture into war zones, they are uniquely aware of the life-and-death situation they place themselves in, as is their employer.

It’s time for the world to realize that Israel is in a brutal war with the most vicious terrorist organizati­on on the planet. It is engaged in unpreceden­ted urban guerrilla warfare, whereby Hamas terrorists dress like civilians, hide in hospitals, and transport themselves in ambulances. As such, Israel has already made many intelligen­ce errors, even accidental­ly killing its own citizens fleeing their Hamas captors.

Civilians are used as human shields, kindergart­ens are used to fire rockets, and every inch of Gaza is boobytrapp­ed by IEDS (something Canadians are familiar with from Afghanista­n). This doesn’t even bring into the equation the hundreds of miles of tunnels criss-crossing the area, making Hamas terrorists ghosts in the face of Israel’s war machine.

All this doesn’t justify the lapse in judgment and intelligen­ce that led to the targeting of WCK’S aid workers. We have seen similar occurrence­s in other war zones, such as on Aug. 29, 2021, when a U.S. drone fired a missile at a truck in Kabul, killing an aid worker and 10 other civilians, seven of them children.

After initially denying the tragic incident, weeks later, the U.S. military acknowledg­ed the attack was a mistake after footage surfaced showing three children coming to greet the target at his car before they were all killed.

Still, the world was quiet. The media was relatively silent on this occasion and many others.

No world leaders pounced on the opportunit­y to vigorously denounce the U.S., especially not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — as he had quickly done when he wrongly thought Israel had bombed al-alhi Hospital last fall. “We obviously need full accountabi­lity and investigat­ion in this,” Trudeau said about the aid worker killings, even while Israel had already taken responsibi­lity and announced an investigat­ion.

The media too was all over this rare opportunit­y to portray Israel in a negative light. Some television stations played and replayed Israel’s video clip announcing its deep sorrow — guilty as charged! The unspoken backstory the media tried to convey was a reinforcem­ent of the false “genocide” libellous claim repeated by pro-hamas protesters in our streets.

But where was the media when it was revealed that the staff of an aid organizati­on (UNRWA) were involved in the murders and rapes of Oct. 7? Where was the media when Canada announced it was restarting funding to UNRWA despite allegation­s of complicity in terror?

What’s more, where is the media about the human rights of the 134 Israeli hostages still being held by Hamas in Gaza? Would it show too much sympathy for the Israeli side to discuss the ongoing sexual assaults and rapes happening now to female hostages — as disclosed by former female hostages?

Responsibi­lity for the carnage in Gaza is Hamas’s alone. When it launched its war on Israel, it anticipate­d an overwhelmi­ng response. It cares not for its civilian population, much less for aid workers. That is, unless they can be of service to its ambition to murder Jews, such as UNRWA had been.

Instead of siding with a terrorist organizati­on (Hamas) and calling on Israel to make concession­s, world leaders would do the Palestinia­n people a favour by calling on it to lay down its weapons and surrender. It’s time for Hamas to stop they should say.

World Central Kitchen must be commended for its efforts to feed the hungry and to take immeasurab­le risks to help the people in Gaza. What the world needs is more people, like those tragically killed, who display altruism, care, and concern for others. Siding with terrorists like Hamas, however, will never bring us closer to this vision for a better world.



 ?? ISMAEL ABU DAYYAH / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The tragic deaths of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza has further exposed media and
political bias against Israel, writes Avi Benlolo.
ISMAEL ABU DAYYAH / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The tragic deaths of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza has further exposed media and political bias against Israel, writes Avi Benlolo.

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