National Post

J.K. Rowling bewitches Scotland

Author incapacita­tes hate crime law

- Amy hamm

J.K. Rowling is making headlines again: that quarrelsom­e, difficult woman — who just can’t for the life of her keep her mouth shut about women’s rights — has neutered new hate crime legislatio­n that came into effect in Scotland on April 1. Using only her words! Is any further proof required that the woman is a bona fide witch?

Scotland’s new law threatens up to seven years in prison for “stirring up hatred” against identifiab­le groups, including (not limited to) the religious, disabled, or transgende­r. Females, however, receive no protection­s under this new law. Critics — most notably Rowling — called hooey on its professed purpose and argued that what the law actually intends to do is to limit freedom of speech. And in particular, speech defending the sex-based rights of women. On X (formerly Twitter), Rowling was clear as a bell on this:

“In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynist­ically or opportunis­tically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislatio­n is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminatin­g women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunit­ies being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutabili­ty of biological sex,” she wrote.

Scotland’s new law did not pass in a vacuum: it is but one example of similar legislatio­n that is being pushed across the West, including in Britain, Ireland, and Canada. In the U.S., attempts at such laws have been thwarted by America’s First Amendment. Sadly, us common law citizens have no such equivalent protection. Instead, we are left hoping that sports stars or benevolent billionair­es like JK Rowling will not only push back, but in doing so will also remind us all that our freedoms are precious and must be vigilantly protected. We need troublemak­ers like her to flout draconian legislatio­n.

And flout she did: Rowling posted a provocativ­e thread with examples of Scottish transwomen who’ve done heinous things — threatened violence against women; been convicted of rape (including of minors), indecent exposure, or possession of child pornograph­y — and then ended up in women’s prisons; bragged about stealing and wearing their sister’s underwear; and replaced women in sports or profession­al roles, including as head of one Scottish rape crisis centre. Rowling even made jokes along the way — such audacity — concluding with a taunt for Scottish police to arrest her: “I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenm­ent.”

More than 3,000 complaints were lodged with Scottish police the first day the new law came into effect. India Willoughby, one of the transwomen called out in Rowling’s thread, was quick to cry “hate crime.” Police — arrest that witch! Alas, Rowling continues to speak, and not from the inside of a prison cell. Scottish police released a statement on April 2 that, despite numerous public complaints about her words, no action would be taken. And just like that, Rowling gelded her country’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act. Her powerful spell apparently affected U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as well, leading him to profess that no one should be criminaliz­ed for stating biological facts.

Which is, after all, what Rowling did; the point of Rowling’s provocatio­n, clearly lost on many people, is that each of the persons she exposed is a biological male. It’s not that they identify as transgende­r that she takes issue with — though they all do — it’s that they are biological males whose feelings and desires have been placed ahead of women’s dignity and safety. In order to take a stand against convicted double rapist Isla Bryson residing inside of a women’s prison, one must be able to point out that Bryson is not a female, and poses an enormous safety risk to incarcerat­ed women. To do so is not a condemnati­on of transwomen; it is a condemnati­on of Bryson and the absurd laws that allow “her” to opt out of going to male prison.

Facts and objective reality might sound hurtful to some, but they are indisputab­ly not “hate.” It is essential that we can all speak to biological facts without being criminaliz­ed or imprisoned for doing so. And Rowling just granted permission for every man and woman in Scotland to speak the truth. What remains to be seen, however, is if police will apply the law equally and refuse to punish the average citizen for sharing the same verboten (at least to gender activists) views. On this point, Rowling issued another provocatio­n to Scottish police. Upon the news that she was being spared arrest and prosecutio­n — or burning at the stake — she said: “I trust that all women — irrespecti­ve of profile or financial means — will be treated equally under the law.”

Let’s hope so. Across the pond, us Canadians face the prospect of similar legislatio­n being enacted. Like Scotland’s “hate crime” act, the Trudeau government’s Online Harms Bill — headed for a second reading in the House of Commons — also seeks to censor and possibly imprison outspoken, anti-establishm­ent citizens.

Unfortunat­ely, we don’t have a powerful witch like Rowling to smite our unjust laws. Here, it is going to require a collective effort to thwart Canada’s totalitari­an creep. Ladies, get your broomstick­s ready.


 ?? JANE BARLOW / PA IMAGES / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A protester holds a cut-out of Harry Potter author and outspoken women’s rights advocate J.K. Rowling
during a rally against the Hate Crime and Public Order Act in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Saturday.
JANE BARLOW / PA IMAGES / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A protester holds a cut-out of Harry Potter author and outspoken women’s rights advocate J.K. Rowling during a rally against the Hate Crime and Public Order Act in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Saturday.

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