National Post


“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


On October 7, 2023 1200 people were murdered by Hamas. In acts of barbarism towards Jews not seen since the Holocaust, people of all ages were burned alive, raped, beheaded, dismembere­d, and kidnapped from their homes. Hamas and Jihadist murderers recorded and live streamed for all the world to see their unabashed glee in carrying out these horrific acts against Jewish men, women, children and babies.

As if the October 7 massacres were not horrific enough, it is the cheering and celebratio­n in the immediate aftermath, particular­ly by students and faculty on Canadian college and university campuses, that ought to have profoundly shaken every Canadian. Now, more than five months later, while around 130 hostages are still unconscion­ably being held by Hamas, too many Canadians continue to glorify October 7, attempting to somehow justify and contextual­ize it or worse, deny that all the atrocities (such as rape and dismemberm­ent) even took place.

Over the past five months, Jews across the country have been attacked, vilified, and harassed. To name just a few examples, Jewish schools in Montreal have been firebombed and shot at, Jewish businesses in Toronto vandalized and boycotted, and a synagogue in Fredericto­n defaced. According to the Canadian Press, after protesters who witnesses said were chanting antisemiti­c slogans surrounded a Jewish community centre in Montreal on March 4, 2024, blocking people inside, Quebec’s Superior Court granted the synagogue and a Jewish organizati­on an injunction on March 5, 2024, barring some pro-palestinia­n protesters from coming within 50 meters of their buildings.

Jewish Canadians are being subjected to Jew-hatred at an unpreceden­ted level in print, broadcast, and social media. On February 12, 2024, the Ottawa Police Service Hate and Bias Crime Unit issued a press release stating that of the 460 hate incidents reported in 2023, 92 involved antisemiti­c acts against Jews. Despite comprising about 1 per cent of the Ottawa population 20 per cent of all hate incidents were directed at Jews. In a press briefing on March 18, 2024, Toronto’s Police Chief Myron Demkiw advised that hate crimes in Toronto have increased by 93 per cent over the same period last year with the Jewish community being the targets in 56 per cent of all occurrence­s, the majority having occurred after October 7.

Although we are fortunate to live in a democratic country where people can freely and publicly demonstrat­e support for Palestinia­ns, what seems to have eluded you and our political leaders charged with the responsibi­lity for the safety of all Canadians, is that supporting Palestinia­ns does not include vandalizin­g Jewish property and businesses, fearmonger­ing, intimidati­on, threatenin­g and harassment of Jews.

The Accusation

Mr. Trudeau, we accuse you and your government, through your actions and inactions, of having contribute­d to the antisemiti­sm we see running rampant in Canada today. You have permitted it to fester and rage like a fire burning out of control. Your indifferen­ce and relative silence in response to antisemiti­sm contribute to the marginaliz­ation and isolation of Jews in Canada and their erasure from the public square.

We accuse you and your government of abandoning Canadian Jews in our time of great peril. Your failure to speak out against the attacks on Jews, the threats to Jewish schools, the targeting and vandalism of businesses and the desecratio­n of Jewish cemeteries and places of worship is incomprehe­nsible. How do we explain your inaction to our children? How are Holocaust survivors to make sense of your silence?

The Problem in Your Government and Foreign Policy

Foreign policy statements made by you and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madam Melanie Joly since October 7 have, in our opinion, added fuel to the fire of Jew-hatred that pervades our cities and campuses.

We accuse you and your government of contributi­ng to the normalizat­ion of antisemiti­sm in Canada. Instead of forcefully and repeatedly condemning Hamas, demanding the unconditio­nal release of hostages, and assigning blame to Hamas for hoarding weapons in schools and hospitals and using civilians, including children, as human shields in Gaza you have triangulat­ed your support so as not to offend anyone.

It took several weeks for Minister Joly to acknowledg­e the rape and sexual assault of Israeli women at the Nova Music Festival on October 7. Unlike the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, you were unable or unwilling to clearly and convincing­ly condemn South Africa’s evil intent to accuse the only Jewish State of genocide, while it tries to prevent another genocide against the Jewish people by Hamas, whose genocidal intent against Jews is clearly stated in its founding Charter.

Your partisansh­ip was made clear when you and Minister Joly accused Israel of bombing the al-ahi Arab Hospital in Gaza City on the night of October 17, 2023, rushing to judgment before reliable facts were available. It appears to many of Jews that you accepted Hamas’ propaganda and lies without question. When the Biden administra­tion unequivoca­lly asserted that it was an errant or malfunctio­ning rocket launched by Palestinia­n terrorist groups and not Israel that struck the hospital, neither you nor your government had the basic decency to apologize to the government of Israel.

Your moral failings have contribute­d to what we regard as the explosion of Jew-hatred in Canada.

Jewish neighbourh­oods, institutio­ns and places of worship have increasing­lybeentarg­etsforviol­ence.threatsofv­iolenceand­intimidati­on are becoming far worse and on a larger scale than the actions of the Truckers Convoy, which your government asserted necessitat­ed the invocation of the Emergencie­s Act on February 14, 2022.

Your government’s inaction and appeasemen­t towards Hamas supporters achieves nothing but embarrassm­ent and shame for Canada on the world stage. On March 2, 2024, your government failed to respond strongly enough to a group of Pro Hamas supporters from obstructin­g a meeting at the Art Gallery of Ontario between you and Italian Prime Minister Meloni. To make matters worse, on March 14, 2024 Minister Joly tweeted a photo of herself shaking hands with Mahmoud Abbas, a notorious Holocaust denier, supporter of terrorism against Israelis and Jews and financier of the “pay for slay policy” at a time when Jews in Canada have never felt so betrayed by their leadership. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, ‘Not one lesson of the past has been learned by your government or applied.’ Meanwhile, the situation in which we live is incomparab­ly more dangerous than at any time since the end of World War II.

Mr. Trudeau, we accuse your government of supporting Israel’s enemies who indeed are the enemies of all the world’s democracie­s, and of adding to the hatred directed toward the Jewish community. The decision announced by your Government on March 20, 2024, to ban arms sales to Israel at a time of Israel’s greatest peril will be a mark of everlastin­g shame and long remembered by all those who support the existence of the Jewish State.

Canada’s honorable and longstandi­ng record of support for the cause of freedom, justice and against all forms of hatred and antisemiti­sm has been ineradicab­ly stained by the actions of your government. Your eminent predecesso­rs–prime Ministers John Diefenbake­r, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper– reflected the high ideals of justice and tolerance with moral clarity and deep respect for the Jewish community. They never surrendere­d their conviction­s because of political pressure or to gain an electoral advantage.

None of these statesmen would have ever supported a motion before the House of Commons, even in an amended form, calling for unilateral recognitio­n of a Palestinia­n state and an arms embargo on Israel, Canada’s only democratic ally in the Middle East.

We have passed an awful milestone in our long history by allowing members of Parliament to shamefully accommodat­e radicals and stand with terrorists. By so doing, we desecrate the memories and erase the contributi­ons of the tens of thousands of our best young people who during World War II gave their lives so we could live in freedom.

The Solution

If Canada is to play any leading and important role on the world stage, you must speak out with conviction and clarity against Jewhatred. You must clearly and cogently differenti­ate between good and evil, and you must condemn without reservatio­n the actions of pro-hamas protesters, students, academics, and organizati­ons that glorify rape and murder of Jews, deny Israel’s right to exist and intimidate Jews. Your moral confusion must stop.

The writing is on the wall for Canadian Jews who have been present in Canada for over 250 years. Canadian Jews have made immense contributi­ons to every aspect of Canadian life– to business, industry, academia, science, the profession­s and to Canadian culture.

Jewish philanthro­pists have donated billions of dollars to Canadian hospitals, universiti­es, museums, and cultural institutio­ns. Despite the Jewish community’s lasting and important contributi­ons to Canada, our children and grandchild­ren are harassed, maligned and intimidate­d on university campuses across the country. In a few weeks, Jews will be celebratin­g Passover and as they gather around the Seder table, many may be questionin­g whether they have a future in Canada if antisemiti­sm continues to rage without abatement.

In November 2018 you apologized to the Jewish community for Canada’s abject failure in 1939 to allow asylum to the mostly Jewish refugees on the ocean liner, the St Louis, fleeing Nazi persecutio­n. Thesejewsw­erecruelly­refusedent­ryintocana­dabytheant­isemitic Liberal government of Mackenzie King and were forced to sail back to Germany where many of the 937 passengers were murdered in Nazi death camps.

Will it be left to a future Prime Minister to apologize for an antisemiti­c Liberal government once again abandoning the Jews?

If our 250-year story in Canada is to end and Jews decide to leave Canada, it will be because they feel that they can no longer live safely and freely as Jews and choose to endure no longer the ceaseless antisemiti­sm pervading every aspect of our life in Canada.

It is time that you and your government no longer blind yourselves to the evils of Hamas and no longer present to the world the sad spectacle of a government mired in appeasemen­t, moral cowardice, and indifferen­ce to antisemiti­sm.

We concur with the call to action by MP Housefathe­r in his March 28, 2024, opinion piece in the National Post. We call upon your government, and indeed all levels of government across the country, to enforce the rule of law and to take action to stem the tide of antisemiti­sm that we see is overwhelmi­ng our country.

As Dr Martin Luther King Jr said so eloquently almost 60 years ago, “The time is always right to do what is right.”

Prime Minister Trudeau: The time for action is now!

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