National Post

Stop the hatefests


Re: Flinging dung isn’t free speech — Michael Higgins, April 4; and ‘Agitators’ escalating pro-palestinia­n demos — April 6

It was a refreshing change to see the police do more than stand around while roving masked mobs shut down Toronto streets week after week. Mind you, being at the receiving end of a fistful of horse manure would try anyone’s patience.

I was also pleased to see Michael Higgins refer to the mob more accurately as pro-hamas” rather than the milquetoas­t “pro-palestinia­n” moniker that the other more timid media have adopted.

What we have experience­d since Oct. 7 are neither protests nor-pro-palestinia­n. These must be seen for what they are: a full-frontal assault on our Canadian values, our institutio­ns and our way of life.

We are being tested as never before. The mob is pushing ever harder, probing our weaknesses and looking to see just how far they can go before they encounter pushback. And so far they have encountere­d little resistance.

Canada is by no means a perfect country, but it is still one of the best places in the world. Unless Canadians stand firm and demand an end to the hatefests, the bullying and the intimidati­on, we will learn the hard way just how fragile our democratic values and way of life really are.

E. Joan O’callaghan, Toronto

In a gross, Orwellian miscarriag­e of justice, Iranian-canadian Salman Sima was arrested at a pro-israel rally in Toronto last weekend for carrying a sign saying “Hamas is a terrorist organizati­on.” Canada has long declared Hamas to be a terrorist entity.

Despite the fact that pro-palestinia­n demonstrat­ors supporting Hamas are becoming increasing­ly more confrontat­ional and violent, there have been shockingly few arrests — except when police officers are attacked.

Hate speech, incitement for the annihilati­on of Israel and Jews is illegal. Blocking highways and streets without permits is illegal. Threatenin­g, harassing and intimidati­ng Jews is illegal. Actual violence is illegal. So where are the arrests?

Police inaction has emboldened protesters to escalate their actions because there have been little or no consequenc­es. This must change. Our entire way of life is threatened.

Doris Epstein, Co-chair, Canadian Institute for Jewish Research

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