National Post (National Edition)



Last week, readers were asked: Should the Naked Rambler be jailed? That was in reference to a story from the week before about Stephen Gough, “who is on a crusade for the right to stroll around [the U.K.] wearing nothing more than boots and a backpack.” The overwhelmi­ng majority of readers — drawn from a handful of countries — said let him be.

If God had wanted us to walk around naked …

❚ I walked with Stephen Gough through Scotland on his release from HMP Saughton Prison in October last year and provided him with the support he needed to get across the English border. Stephen has a complex personalit­y that will take years to decipher. A good therapist and a detox with “Ibogaine” will cure him. Jail is not the answer. Treat the person and not the crime. Also, the idea of naked protests can be traced back to the Doukhobors, a Christian sect, and their activities in Canada in 1903. George Cavanagh, Musselburg­h, East Lothian, Scotland.

❚ People are over-reacting. He did not offend anybody. The society simply uses breaching of peace to judge him. The punishment and his act is disproport­ionate .

Chew Tok Hwa, Sungai Petani, Malaysia

❚ Absolutely not. Lady Godiva was riding naked, unarrested, through the streets of Coventry about 11 centuries ago and today, we have full frontal nudity on stage and on film. Stephen Gough has a valid point about freedom of expression, although undoubtedl­y he will have to abandon his mission at some point. Leave him to run his course: we need eccentrics — badly.

Malcolm Bell, Lions Bay, B.C.

❚ In New Zealand, a naked cyclist was fined $200 plus court costs, but at appeal, the judge said that the cyclist’s nakedness had not met the test of offensive behaviour and he quashed the conviction and fine.

Colin Wilson, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

❚ The Naked Rambler has harmed no one, so why deprive him of his liberty? The feeling that we “should” always wear clothes is no more than a social convention, learned in childhood. Nudity is at worst harmless, and at best liberating.

Duncan Heenan, Niton, Isle of Wight.

❚ We’ve decided that our society is free enough that people may wear what they want, which would imply that people should be free enough to decide how little they want to wear. Just as with freedom of speech, the fact that others find it somewhat uncomforta­ble or don’t agree with your choice is no reason to restrict it.

David Myers, Kingston, Ont.

❚ Nudity is a human right. Freedom is a phony word if it does not embrace such a peaceful act of self expression. The aberration is in the minds of those whom find it offensive or perverse. For a male subject it is easy enough to detect when the intent is inappropri­ate.

Kenneth Scott Fisher

❚ If God had wanted us to walk around naked, we would have been born that way.

Gordon Watson, Rocky Mountain House, Alta.

❚ Good Lord! It is just the human body people, guy should be given a medal for walking through breezy, chilly Scotland with no clothes on.

Patrick Munholland, Stettler, Alta.

❚ Leave the guy alone.

Julian Wise, Oakville, Ont.

❚ It is a crime to lock someone up for being naked. We need to move forward as a society and acknowledg­e that being naked is not a behaviour but a state. The treatment of this poor man by the system is a disgrace and as a society we should be ashamed of our system and our lack of support towards Stephen Gough.

Gordon Macdonald, Aberdeen, Scotland.

❚ Stephen Gough is a hero of mine. By the way, my understand­ing is that he has never been found guilty by a jury. Only by administra­tive actions.

George Davis, San Francisco.

❚ Leave him be. He’s not causing harm. You would think the courts and police have more pressing matters to attend to.

Stephen Decarie, Calgary.

❚ It is about time someone challenged the principles and laws of society. If it is Stephen Gough’s mission to challenge society about public nudity, then good for him. This man is being denied the freedom of expression if he is to be jailed for his actions. He may have some strange principles, but don’t we all?

Jackie Banwell, Toronto.

❚ The naked truth is that its barely worth writing about. And the law is an ass, to make such a big deal of making a mountain out of a ... bunch of stones.

Casey Kerkhoff, Chilliwack, B.C.

❚ Hail to the Naked Rambler! He has exposed the hypocrites and moralist fatheads. Gotta love the man and his perseveran­ce.

Myron Kuziak, Neudorf, Sask.

❚ Good Luck to Stephen Gough. His fight is not about nakedness as such, but against the whole-

sale place attack in Britain, on individual as witnessed freedom by the that use is of taking antisocial they were behaviour both naked orders. … Even and were the Bible not ashamed.” says “And Why should they be ashamed, when Adam and Eve’s bodies were given to them by God?.

Ralph Smith, Mission, B.C.

❚ Stephen Gough’s travails in his odysseys across the U.K. expose this naked truth — as between the solitary individual trudging through life and big government which can’t keep its hands out of his privates, just exactly who is the one with the hard on.

Moishe (Thomas) Goldstein, Toronto.

❚ He is harmless. His strolls do not target any specific demographi­c. Hardly a criminal to be locked away. Were I to encounter this fellow, I too would be allowed to exercise my freedom of expression. I could practise custody of my eyes or perhaps salute him with a nod and a gentle smile. Ah, freedom!

Lori Crank, Oakville, Ont.

❚ I recall a highly acclaimed British film in which a group of men were lauded for their group display of the “crown jewels.” Respected art works, both paintings and sculptures, have long shown the naked body without censure. Rather than jailing, a psychiatri­c evaluation is in order. It borders on insanity to expose one’s vital parts to winter’s weather.

Mary McKim, London, Ont.

❚ Regarding the naked exhibition­ist, “Only in England you say!” With this comment, most people there would probably “carry on regardless.”

Betty Hansford, Oakville Ont.

❚ The Naked Rambler is a mildly offensive eccentric with a fixation on personal freedom at all costs. He does not appear to pose a threat to anyone other those whose sensibilit­ies are disturbed by the vision of human genitalia including their own. Now that he has achieved celebrity status, perhaps he should get a publicist to announce his itinerary so that the public can choose between leering, laughing or leaving town.

Robert McLachlan, St. Catharines, Ont.

❚ While I wouldn’t imitate the Naked Rambler’s wardrobe choice, I do not think he should face jail time for it. Possibly he’s extremely proud of what he’s carrying on his rambles, but it is surely not something that can be regarded as a weapon. And it’s not even concealed. Surely Britain’s police and legislator­s have more serious things to worry about.

Ruth Cameron, Toronto.

❚ Do not jail the Naked Rambler. He would have to be kept under constant watch lest he be “hoist by his own pee-tard!”

W. Hall, Calgary, Alta.

❚ Absolutely not! Stephen Gough is right to promote the idea that there is nothing wrong with the human body. He does not seem menacing, nor has any court ever found him to have malicious intent. What is there to be “horrified” about? Everyone has a body— we should be so lucky as to be completely comfortabl­e with it.

Donna Redding.

❚ Good heavens no. Every nation worth its salt has its quota of eccentrics. Something Canada needs more of, considerin­g its sometimes staid and pallid image.

Alex Taylor, Toronto.

‘Get ye to the tailors’

❚ I am not sure I would enjoy my picnic sandwich having to survey the Naked Rambler’s butt go by. Killing my appetite is a crime in my opinion. And doesn’t killing usually warrant prison time?

John Clench, Vancouver.

❚ Stephen Gough is quoted as saying: “What I am doing isn’t about me. I’m challengin­g society … because it’s wrong.” Clothing serves society’s basic need for protection from the elements and from immorality. End of challenge.

Margaret Brink, Brantford, Ont.

❚ I have no problem with the Naked Rambler as long as he keeps on keeping on. It’s when he sits down on public seating and the … err… rubber meets the road… so to speak... that problems arise.

Amy Joseph, Vancouver.

❚ The issue here is not a legal one but rather a social one. We as individual­s in a society choose to abide by unwritten rules of behaviour so as not to offend others. There are many other examples of this — not passing gas, the way we eat, etc., where people try to fit in. If everyone in our society decided to do their own thing there is no more society. So no arresting him doesn’t solve the problem. Dave Matheson, Parry Sound, Ont.

❚ Exhibition­ism sans robes on a bicycle? Miss Godiva’s mounted memory still titillates us, but butt-naked hairy hippies? No thanks. He could ruin the the auto insurance industry and the bike rental trade. not to mention boulevard and environs tourism in a flash. Incarcerat­e this menace to society for visual pollution before it is too late.

Russell Thompson, Victoria.

❚ We must uphold the rule of law. The only legal way to protest is orally or in writing. So he must be punished. But his punishment must fit the crime. A short prison sentence, house arrest, or a fine is most appropriat­e.

Jonathan Usher, Toronto.

❚ A comment in the manner of Elizabetha­n England; a case before the Court of Common Pleas: Is a man without trousers like a man without a defence? Does the baggage of cloth provide a shield against thine enemies? For surely no trousers is no defence. I say his case is “bare.” Get ye to the tailors!

Michael E. Lambert, Ottawa.

❚ Should the Naked Rambler be jailed? Damned right, any 53-year-old male walking around nude does not deserve to see the light of day. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Steve Flanagan, Ottawa.

❚ In the end, Stephen Gough’s former partner says it all: The Rambler is simply selfish. His “freedom” is what matters to him much more than the discomfort he causes those who are up front and personal.

Bruce Drake, Vancouver.

Send him to the Arctic

❚ If Stephen Gough insists on his right to be naked, the authoritie­s should acquiesce, but stipulate that nakedness extends from the top of the head to the tip of the toes and that any exception to this would rule out nakedness and be unlawful. He would soon develop a healthy and normal appreciati­on for clothing and abandon his useless cause.

Betty L. Reade, Oakville, Ont.

❚ What makes Stephen Gough think that people want to see him in the nude, or sit on a chair he sat on? Thanks a lot. People like him have egos they want to be recognized by society, however, they are unable to do it in a normal way. He should move to the North Pole and be nude there for eternity.

Othmar Brunner, Tsawwassen, B.C.

❚ Government will be playing into the hands of the Naked Rambler by arresting him. I suggest that he be tried in the court of public opinion. Furthermor­e, I find him guilty of not using the best option to communicat­e that legislator­s are too involved in the lives of people. David W. Lincoln, Edmonton.

❚ The au naturel Rambler should be compelled to wear a full-length burka and face veil, whenever in public, for the remainder of his time on Earth.

Bill Shaw, Medicine Hat, Alta.

ety’s Some disapprova­l. jail time However, is appropriat­e it seems to express likely that soci- he will him not to a stop nudist once colony? out of And jail. What would then? we be Confine having the same discussion if this were a woman?

Adrian Stonell, Oakville, Ont.

❚ Here’s the story of a stubborn Rambler Who trekked over hill and dale In naught but what God gave him (It’s more of a cautionary tale) You may like the feel of the breeze You may think that you’re making a point But when you show the old ladies your willy You’re going to end up in the joint

Sarah Stelfox, Calgary.

❚ Should the Naked Rambler be jailed? No. He should be dropped off via helicopter in the Arctic tundra equipped with his rambling outfit of boots, hat, and backpack only, plus enough food to sustain him during his ramble back home.

Doris Garner, Calgary.

❚ While the Naked Rambler is doing no harm, he is making people around him uncomforta­ble. Besides, any man who walks around naked in public is in danger of being attacked by thugs, The naked walker should be forced to take psychiatri­c treatment. One of our biggest problems today is filling our prisons with people who pose no threat to society and in many cases are victims themselves.

William Bedford, Toronto.

❚ Why is his backpack so big? Once the press is not around, does he don regular clothes? And to the mother with children who was “horrified” when she saw him, I guess her children were conceived in the traditiona­l English way: in the dark quietly. Let him walk naked along English rural roads. But, at town lines, call the constables and escort him to the other side of town.

Peter Fedirchuk, Kanata, Ont.

❚ No, jail time isn’t helping him. What might be beneficial for him is to get some spiritual therapy. The wearing of the raiment was one of the first commandmen­t given to Adam by God.

Tahira Saliha, Brampton, Ont.

❚ He should not be jailed unless there is a law clearly prohibitin­g public nudity. A democracy has the right to restrict the freedom if its citizens, but it must clearly spell out those restrictio­ns.

Bruce Haddad, Winnipeg.

❚ Rather than arrest him, the next law enforcemen­t officer to encounter him should present Stephen Gough with a “Pistol Pete Rematch Red” jockstrap by American Jock. It’s got all-American styling, snazzy straps in unexpected places, and a racy, lace-up, peek-a-boo pouch. Way more attention-getting than mere nudity!

Jo Currie, Hall’s Harbour, N.S.

 ?? PETER MACDIARMID / GETTY IMAGES ?? Naked Rambler Stephen Gough on June 16, 2005, at Land’s End, England.
PETER MACDIARMID / GETTY IMAGES Naked Rambler Stephen Gough on June 16, 2005, at Land’s End, England.

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