National Post (National Edition)

Howie’s deal


Howie Mandel, the 57-year-old comic from North York, voiced Gizmo, made a hit out of Deal or No Deal and brought mysophobia, fear of germs, to television. He recently was in Montreal to record a Just for Laughs special, and Ben Kaplan, in the start of a new daily Q&A column, caught up with Mandel in Los Angeles, where he’s with Howard Stern filming America’s Got Talent. They dished about wives, rejection and the seriously funny business of pain.

Q In your Just for Laughs special, you talk about being married for 35 years and yet still finding the odd woman in Montreal attractive. Do you have to first run this stuff by your wife?

A I think you’re supposed to, but I don’t. She was in the audience that night and she spoke to me after so I’m thrilled.

Q I wrote a piece and made fun of my father’s teeth and he was deeply offended. It’s thin ice.

A I’ve had that. And I say, “Well, I don’t edit myself,” and I never have. There’s collateral damage that can happen, and I’m sensitive to the fact that I’m a parent and a husband and that’s the most important thing, but I don’t know that honesty is a bad thing.

Q At this point, you’re as well known for your mysophobia as you are for Deal or No Deal, something you joke about in your special. When did you know the affliction was real?

A My entire existence, from being a toddler, I knew I had fears that other people didn’t have. If my shoelaces got untied I wouldn’t touch them, but I wasn’t going to tell anybody I was afraid to touch them because they touched the ground. Q How do you make it stop? A It’s a battle. Not day to day, moment to moment. But I’m functionin­g pretty well. I’m medicated as I speak to you. I have therapy and the loving support of my family. I seem to be OK.

Q You were out of showbiz, before being lured back to do Deal or No Deal. What was it you no longer wanted? A Being rejected. Q It was that bad?

A The more success you have, the more people decide they want to hate you. You spend your time looking for the next project and as each project ends, you think there’s not going to be any more. When this opportunit­y came up, which I thought was terrible, my wife convinced me to do it. The thing I didn’t want to do most garnered me the most success. Q Does comedy require pain? A When two people walk into a bar, something terrible always happens to one of them; if you’re laughing at a clown falling down, you’re laughing at their misfortune or a pie in the face — you’re always laughing at somebody’s pain.

National Post bkaplan@nation @kapbenjami­n

 ?? Howie Mandel and His GermFree Friends airs
April 9 on CBC. ??
Howie Mandel and His GermFree Friends airs April 9 on CBC.

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