National Post (National Edition)

Clark wastes no time at first cabinet meeting


V IC T OR I A • Premier Christy Clark moved quickly Monday from an official swearing-in ceremony at Victoria’s government house to the legislatur­e where her new cabinet gathered for its first working meeting.

“Let’s sit down and get down to work,” said Ms. Clark as she and her 19 new ministers held their first meeting.

Ms. Clark announced her new cabinet Friday in Vancouver, but she and her cabinet members were officially sworn in Monday. The remaining Liberal, Opposition New democrat and Independen­t MLAs will be sworn in later this week.

“Welcome back to those of you who are returning and congratula­tions to those of you who are joining us here at this table for the very first time. We have a lot of work ahead of us. So, let’s get it done,” said Ms. Clark at the beginning of the cabinet meeting.

The media was briefly allowed into the cabinet meeting to hear Ms. Clark’s opening remarks.

She had scheduled a news conference for Monday afternoon where she was expected to announce a recall of the House, allowing the government to debate and pass the budget introduced in February.

The premier said last week she wants to return to the legislatur­e as soon as possible even though she can’t sit on the front benches with her ministers.

She must run in a byelection after being defeated on election night in her Vancouver-Point Grey riding.

Ms. Clark has decided to run in Westside-Kelowna after Liberal Ben Stewart stepped aside in the safe Liberal riding, although a date for the byelection has not yet been announced.

A small group of protesters wearing clown costumes gathered outside of government house during Ms. Clark’s swearing in ceremony.

Protester Rob duncan said B.C. has the second highest rate of child poverty in Canada, but the issue is not getting enough attention from the government.

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