National Post (National Edition)

How boycotts hurt the cause of peace in the Middle East

- ABRAHAM COOPER AND YITZCHOK ADLERSTEIN Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is direc tor of Interfaith Affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Next month, the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelica­l Lutheran Church in Canada will convene in Ottawa for a historic joint assembly. Among the issues they will consider is the Middle East muddle. What should be their focus? It is no secret that Christians have much to worry about in the Middle East. Start with Syria, where to date, 80,000 people have died in a brutal civil war, with over a million in internal exile. Among the most vulnerable are local Christians and Palestinia­ns, who are trying to dodge the ever-escalating crossfire between Assadregim­e loyalists and desperate opposition fighters. In Egypt, 10 million Coptic Christians live under a Muslim Brotherhoo­d-led regime. Iraqi Christians experience religious/ethnic cleansing of their historic communitie­s. Christian leaders are arrested in Iran, harassed in Pakistan and murdered by terrorists in Nigeria.

Recently, another major church, the United Church of Canada (UCC), was confronted by the same dire Middle Eastern landscape. So how did the UCC choose to deploy its moral capital? With a call to boycott SodaStream, a company making seltzer bottles. Seltzer bottles? In fact, the UCC took aim at three Israeli companies — SodaStream, Ahava and Keter Plastics — which maintain a presence in the West Bank (i.e. land lying east of Israel’s pre-1967 cease-fire line). The UCC resolved that in the near future it “will engage in dialogue with these companies regarding their involvemen­t in the [Jewish West Bank] settlement­s and request that they cease all production in the settlement­s.” Failure to comply “will result in economic action against their products.”

The church also promises to contact Canadian retailers carrying products from the manufactur­ers, “and request that these items no longer be sold in their stores.” The UCC has previously called settlement­s the “principal obstacle to peace in the region.”

Some Palestinia­n activists welcome UCC’s antiIsrael gesture. But many West Bank residents will not be so pleased. SodaStream, the manufactur­er of environmen­tally friendly home soda machines, employs a work force that is half Palestinia­n, including Arab managers supervisin­g Jewish workers. SodaStream’s Palestinia­n workers earn about three times as much as

SodaStream’s Palestinia­n workers earn about three times as much as Palestinia­n workers elsewhere on the West Bank

Palestinia­n workers elsewhere on the West Bank; and are reported to earn more than the mayor of Ramallah. The highly successful company is expanding, and is building another plant in Israel’s Negev that will employ substantia­l numbers of Bedouin Arabs.

Boycotts aimed at such successful enterprise­s dim the only faint glimmer of hope for peace between Israel and the Palestinia­ns: economic co-operation. Just days ago, 300 Israeli and Palestinia­n business leaders, said to account for 30% of the economic productivi­ty of their respective peoples, met in Jordan to breathe life into moribund negotiatio­ns. They came with the blessings of the World Economic Forum, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

How will the Anglican/Lutheran conclave weigh in on the Israel/Palestine conflict? There is pressure on them to back “product labelling,” i.e. to make sure that the soda they drink is not aided and abetted by well-paid Palestinia­n workers. Another resolution will “challenge” the validity of any form of Christian Zionism “which support[s] the Israeli occupation.”

Such resolution­s do nothing to incentiviz­e peace in the Holy Land. They merely threaten to roil otherwise positive Christian-Jewish relations. Canadian churches should support joint economic projects between Israelis and Palestinia­ns, just as U.S. Episcopali­ans and Presbyteri­ans voted to do last year. Such moves would upgrade the road toward peace, instead of paving the way for more (unnecessar­y) casualties.

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