National Post (National Edition)

Don’t jail people for wearing a mask

- Marni Soupcoff Marni Soupcoff, formerly deputy comment editor for the National Post, is managing editor for blogs at Huffington Post Canada, where a longer version of this article first appeared.

This week, it became a criminal offence for Canadians to wear a mask during a riot or unlawful assembly. Anyone who violates the new law will face a penalty of up to 10 years in jail.

It’s ironic that the law is said to have been motivated in part by the 2010 G-20 riots in Toronto — where the individual­s most concerned with going incognito seemed to be the police. My compliment­s to any crown attorney who chooses to prosecute this new crime with as much zeal when it is committed by law enforcemen­t officials as when it is committed by idiots who have seen V for Vendetta one too many times.

But that is where the compliment­s end — because this law is an unnecessar­y overreachi­ng into our right to demonstrat­e and assemble freely, speak our minds, and maintain basic privacy.

Of course, it makes perfect sense to punish people for any violence, vandalism, or theft they commit during a riot. But existing laws already did that. We also already have an older law on the books that forbids wearing a disguise during the commission of a crime. So really, we had this territory covered.

The problem with the new law is that it threatens to chill the political and social activities of completely innocent people — or to land them in jail for doing nothing more serious than trying to stay anonymous.

What if someone working in the public service wanted to attend a protest of current government policies, but planned to wear a kerchief on his face because he did not want his image captured in photos or video for fear of reprisals at work? Or if a particular­ly creative environmen­talist wanted to make a point at an anti-oil sands demonstrat­ion by wearing a handmade sludgecove­red duck mask? Or if a woman seeking an abortion wanted to hide behind an open umbrella as she made her way through anti-abortion protesters into a clinic. All three of these individual­s would be at risk of serious jail time. All that would have to happen would be for police to declare the respective events unlawful assemblies, and the kerchiefed bureaucrat, artsy activist, and privacy-seeking pregnant woman could all be put behind bars. Kind of takes the steam out of social protest movements — good, bad, or otherwise — doesn’t it?

Can the government really get away with this? Not if the Charter’s protection­s of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly mean anything. Which is why I hope the new law will be challenged in court — and soon. It deserves more serious constituti­onal scrutiny than it has been afforded.

And it deserves more outrage, too. Canada should not feel comfortabl­e joining the ranks of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia — countries (none of them exactly known for their respect of civil liberties) that have, as Dana Stuster points out over at the website of Foreign Policy, recently banned Guy Fawkes masks.

This kind of broad criminaliz­ation of innocent behaviour as a means of trying to prevent future crimes, rather than policing specific criminal acts — a sort of prophylact­ic catchall — is the lazy, authoritar­ian solution to civil unrest. It may be an efficient means of cutting down on rioting (though, really, what percentage of rioters have the forethough­t to actually bring disguises?); but it’s far more efficient at making people afraid to speak out or demonstrat­e against current policies, rules, or ideas. Canada is better than that. Or should be.

 ?? TIJANA MARTIN / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? A masked protester marches in the streets of Montreal in 2012.
TIJANA MARTIN / POSTMEDIA NEWS A masked protester marches in the streets of Montreal in 2012.
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