National Post (National Edition)

No way to hide $90,000

- CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD Comment from Ottawa

Is it even possible to be the victim of a $90,000 gift?

Yet that’s how Don Bayne, Mike Duffy’s clever lawyer, portrayed his client Wednesday, as a hapless leaf being buffeted about by nefarious winds, political and otherwise, when Nigel Wright’s largesse landed only briefly in his bank account.

At the time, Wright was chief of staff to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the question of who-knew-what-when in the PMO is very much the unofficial burning issue at Duffy’s ongoing criminal trial here.

Bayne was beginning his cross-examinatio­n of forensic accountant Mark Grenon.

Wright’s infamous bank draft for $90,172.24 — the foundation document for the bribery charge against the suspended P.E.I. senator — was made out to Duffy’s then-lawyer’s law firm on March 25, 2013, the same day Duffy wrote a cheque in the identical amount to the federal receiver-general for repayment of allegedly improper travel and living expense claims he’d filed.

(Actually, at trial, the latest reckoning is that Duffy allegedly filed for more than $150,000 of expenses he shouldn’t have, but at the time, $90,172 was the magic number.)

Bayne put a number of “propositio­ns” to Grenon, all designed to cast Wright as an evil puppeteer, Duffy as the poor sap whose strings Wright was pulling.

Bayne was clearly enjoying himself; as he put it once mid-stream to Grenon, “We haven’t come to it yet, but this (the Wright payment) will be a lively part of the trial, to say the least.”

But when he got to the critical bit, Bayne ran into a brick wall.

“If you’re Nigel Wright and you want to baffle the receiver-general and most of the Canadian public (and suggest) that Mike Duffy made a mistake and he’s paying back $90,000 … you want to conceal that from the Canadian public,” Bayne asked, if the preceding bit can be deemed a question.

“If you wanted to conceal payment,” Grenon said in his mild way, “you’d have asked for the advice of a forensic accountant … and you could have concealed it.”

“I didn’t say he (Wright) did it perfectly,” Bayne said with a chortle.

“I don’t think this was done with the intent to hide,” Grenon replied.

“How can you say that?” Bayne asked, apparently incredulou­s.

“Because it (the transactio­n) should have been layered,” Grenon said, adding that those who want to conceal or launder money use multiple layers between source and recipient, and that the Wright transactio­n had only one.

“This is not the way to do it,” Grenon said.

“Not the best way,” Bayne said.

“Not any way,” Grenon replied.

He is the expert witness proposed by Crown prosecutor­s. A manager at the government’s investigat­ive forensic accounting unit, Grenon is testifying now in a voir dire, or mini-trial, pending later legal arguments and a decision by Ontario Court Justice Charles Vaillancou­rt.

Of course, there’s another reason Grenon, or even the ordinary knob, might believe Wright hadn’t been trying to conceal what the purpose of the bank draft was.

That would be the note on the draft that explicitly read, “Senate expenses”. Since Wright wasn’t a senator, it would seem to have been an open declaratio­n of why he was cutting the draft. The notion that Wright, who by all accounts is a wealthy and sophistica­ted man, would be running a scam to force $90,000 upon an uninvolved and innocent Duffy is a little rich.

In fact, the evidence from Grenon this week is rather suggestive of the contrary — that if anyone might have been harbouring a touch of larceny in his heart, the 69-year-old Duffy was the much better candidate.

The former broadcaste­r, Grenon’s analysis shows, was in dire financial straits, constantly using a line of credit to keep a balance in his chequing account, occasional­ly paying it down with either a windfall (it appears he inherited some money from the sale of his late mother’s house) or by refinancin­g the mortgage on his Ottawa-area home.

Duffy was routinely spending more than he earned, and at some point, it seems evident, the financial juggling between line-of-credit and house remortgagi­ng would have ended ruinously.

Most interestin­g Wednesday was a single line in Duffy’s income tax filings for 2008.

That was his last year as a big-name CTV host; his T-4 for that year show earnings of $248,097.

In addition, through his own small company, Mike Duffy Media Services Inc., he earned an additional $84,550 in consulting fees.

But on Dec. 22 that year, Duffy’s long-nourished and well-documented dream of being appointed to the Senate came true, though the appointmen­t wasn’t official until January of 2009.

At the time, the job paid about $130,000 (not bad for an average 78 days a year the Senate sat during his time) and though it came with plenty of perquisite­s — business-class travel, free rail travel, a handsome office and research budget, an assistant — it nonetheles­s meant that overnight, Duffy’s income was halved, more if the fact that his company’s earnings plummeted is taken into account.

By many measures, the life Duffy described in his diary, now like virtually everything else about him an exhibit at trial, was tedious in the extreme, filled as it was with glad-handing, schmoozing and other events, often with only Conservati­ve partisans for company.

He must have wanted it — having “Senator Mike Duffy” on his boarding passes, being “the Honourable” — so very badly.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? It seems evident that Mike Duffy’s juggling between a line of credit and house re-mortgaging would have ended ruinously, Christie Blatchford writes.
SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS It seems evident that Mike Duffy’s juggling between a line of credit and house re-mortgaging would have ended ruinously, Christie Blatchford writes.
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