National Post (National Edition)


An iconic industrial building brings Toronto a music fest like no other

- BY KRISTEL AUBREY JAX Unsound takes place June 19-20 at the Hearn Generating Station as part of Luminato.

This weekend, Toronto will get its first taste of Poland’s Unsound Festival, a unique event with a focus on electronic and experiment­al music, visual art, and new media that launched in 2003 and has since branched worldwide, touching down in places as disparate as Minsk, London and Adelaide. Up until now, New York City has been the festival’s only North American stop.

So how did Toronto snag the lauded fest from New York? It’s all about location — the venue, to be precise. On Friday to Saturday, festivalgo­ers will be treated not only to music from cutting-edge electronic and experiment­al artists — including Stars of the Lid, Tim Hecker, Ben Frost, Emptyset, and Lustmord — but a rare peek into one of Toronto’s most iconic former industrial structures: the massive Hearn Generating Station, opened in the ’50s, and decommissi­oned in 1983.

“We were already thinking about the idea of presenting Unsound in a North American city outside New York,” Unsound creator Mat Schulz confides via email. “When (Luminato) suggested Toronto, it seemed like fate. Then they showed us the Hearn. How could anyone say no?”

Unsound has long sought out non-traditiona­l venues, such as an abandoned communist-era hotel and a 14thcentur­y Gothic church in Krakow. “Unsound becomes an experience for the audience and artists,” Schulz explains, “exploring architectu­re as well as sound and visual elements ... there’s something about such a raw, industrial space that feels like a natural fit for the music we present.”

Jorn Weisbrodt, Luminato’s Artistic Director, enthuses that the venue immediatel­y captured the imaginatio­n of ticket buyers: “Everyone knows (the Hearn) ... the smokestack; it’s so present, but nobody has been inside it, so there’s an adventurou­s spirit around that.”

As more festivals spring up in Toronto (and come from afar, such as Unsound), the need for new performanc­e spaces will rise with them. Toronto’s Music City initiative has struggled so far to bring music to unconventi­onal spaces such as Geary Avenue’s industrial stretch or, in the case of the Great Heart Festival, even Trinity Bellwoods park. Future plans for activating the potential of spaces like the Hearn will become essential — and allow Toronto’s secret corners a chance to shine. Though Schulz admits Unsound’s reputation is a huge draw, “it’s the Hearn that really has everyone amazed — it’s the big star.”

In what has become Toronto’s busiest festival summer in history, events need clearly defined concepts — something Weisbrodt knows Unsound has achieved. Besides the venue, he points to the intrigue surroundin­g Tim Hecker’s Ephemera, a synestheti­c collaborat­ion with perfumer Geza Schoen, as an experience no one else can offer. Ephemera’s unique live multimedia project at home in Canada combines heavy, sonic drone music with fog, custom lighting and scent diffusers that will fill an enclosed room with the perfume Schoen developed to encapsulat­e Hecker’s music, aptly called Drone.

Hecker is no stranger to non-traditiona­l venues. “I’ve played in a lot of weird places,” Hecker recalls, “abandoned industrial spaces — I’ve played two floors down in a mine shaft; in empty German power stations. I enjoy it. It’s more fun ... it’s a different way (for audiences) to hear something. Weirder spaces are interestin­g because you have to deal with a bunch of odd things that colour that sound.”

I ask if Hecker’s been wearing the “Drone” perfume he helped create, which is available for sale as a functional art object through Unsound, along with Ben Frost’s “Noise” and Kode9’s “Bass.” “I only wear Drone,” Hecker laughs, “No, I’m joking — but yes, I definitely do.”

 ?? TYLER ANDERSON / NATIONAL POST ?? Crews prep the iconic Hearn generating plant in Toronto, decommissi­oned in 1983, for cutting-edge electronic and experiment­al artists performing in the Unsound Festival set for Friday and Saturday as part of Luminato festival.
TYLER ANDERSON / NATIONAL POST Crews prep the iconic Hearn generating plant in Toronto, decommissi­oned in 1983, for cutting-edge electronic and experiment­al artists performing in the Unsound Festival set for Friday and Saturday as part of Luminato festival.

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