National Post (National Edition)




Under the Paris climate accord, Canada has promised to reduce our greenhouse-gas emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Sound familiar? Under the now-defunct Kyoto Accord we promised to reduce emissions to six per cent below 1990 levels by 2010, which would have required a 30-per-cent cut below projected levels by the time the Chrétien government ratified Kyoto in 2002. We know how that worked out.

The trouble with greenhouse-gas, or GHG, policy is that there are almost no cheap options for reducing carbon dioxide, which is the main GHG. The story is quite different for carbon monoxide (CO). Catalytic converters and more efficient engine designs mean cars can go farther and consume more gasoline while emitting far less CO. From 1990 to 2014, Canadian vehicle fuel consumptio­n rose by 40 per cent yet CO emissions fell by 70 per cent. Inexpensiv­e technologi­es allowed us to decouple fuel use and emissions trends, as also happened with particulat­es, nitrogen, sulphur and other convention­al pollutants.

But catalytic converters on cars, and scrubbers on smokestack­s, do not capture carbon dioxide. Carbon capture and storage can be used in a few places, but requires very complex infrastruc­ture. Otherwise, CO2 is released in proportion to the amount of fuel used. The only way to cut GHG emissions is to reduce fossil fuel consumptio­n or switch from high-carbon to low-carbon fuels, especially from coal to natural gas. Fuel-switching has been done through the Ontario coal-phase-out, and Alberta is planning the same, but even though it was helped by historical­ly low natural gas prices it was still a very costly and disruptive move for Ontario, and has played a major role in forcing up Ontario electricit­y bills.

Because of the strong linkage between energy use and CO2, we can break down the drivers of GHG trends into three components: emissions intensity (GHG emissions per dollar of GDP), real income (GDP per capita), and population. Every year the change in our emissions is equal to the sum of the changes in each of those indicators. Canada has done reasonably well on the intensity side since 2005. From 2005 to 2013, CO2 emissions per dollar of real GDP went down, on average, by 3.3 per cent per year. Meanwhile real income went up, on average, by 0.4 per cent and population rose by 1.1 per cent per year. So total emissions fell, on average, by 1.8 per cent per year.

To get a 30-per-cent cut in anything over the 25 years from 2005 to 2030 requires, on average, a cut of 1.4 per cent per year. So we are on track. We need to keep emissions going down by 1.2 per cent per year until 2030 to meet the Paris target. But there are three problems as we look ahead.

First, the 2007–2009 financial crisis and accompanyi­ng recession skews the analysis. Real income growth was non-existent between 2005 and 2010. Government­s at all level regard this as an aberration and are determined to accelerate income growth. And that has happened: After 2010 real income growth has averaged about 1.1 per cent, which is more like a normal level for Canada.

Second, we have already picked most of the lowhanging fruit. The Ontario coal phase-out cannot be done twice; and considerin­g how brutally costly it was, we wouldn’t want to. Looking ahead, further CO2 reductions get harder and harder to achieve without costlier and costlier reductions in overall energy usage. So we are unlikely to keep emissions intensity going down by 3.3 per cent. It is more likely we will return to the longer-term average of 2.7 per cent per year.

Thirdly, Canada has indicated it plans to set much higher immigratio­n targets, and boost our rate of population growth. This might mean we start seeing population growth more like 1.5 per cent per year rather than 1.1.

Add these up and emissions will only be falling by 0.1 per cent per year, well below the 1.2 per cent needed. Something’s gotta give.

Here are the main options. The government can back away from its population growth targets, or its income growth targets, or it can try to force emissions intensity down faster. The proposed carbon-pricing system likely won’t be a panacea since most of the big policies introduced in regulatory form (biofuels, fuel efficiency standards, coal phase-out) already had marginal costs far above the proposed carbon price. If income and population growth rates add up to 2.6 per cent per year, emissions intensity has to start falling by 3.8 per cent annually between now and 2030 to meet the Paris target, well above the long-term rate. Since we are facing costlier and costlier abatement options, it is unlikely this can be achieved without painful economic consequenc­es that have consistent­ly led government­s around the world to abandon course.

The Chrétien government never presented a realistic plan to comply with Kyoto, hoping to wing it with baubles like the “One-Tonne Challenge” ad campaign starring Rick Mercer. The result was a predictabl­e failure. The Trudeau government has embraced carbon pricing but otherwise has little idea how it will comply with Paris and what cost it is willing to bear. It has declared its desire to see faster income growth, faster population growth and compliance with the Paris target. Soon it needs to decide which two of these three it is serious about.

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