National Post (National Edition)

Medication and optimism allow rheumatoid arthritis sufferer to live a full life


Completing an Ironman triathlon is an ambitious goal for any athlete. For someone with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), it is almost beyond reach.

Not so for Jenn Trainor, who finished an Ironman race six years after being diagnosed with the chronic disease and whose athletic achievemen­ts also include seven half-Ironman races.

Considered one of the most difficult athletic events, an Ironman race consists of a 3.86-kilometre swim, a 180-km bicycle ride and a traditiona­l marathon run of 42 km.

“I don’t let having rheumatoid arthritis define me,” says Trainor, a sales representa­tive for Zoot, a triathlon apparel and equipment company. “Though RA has changed my life, and may shorten it as well, life is too short for everyone. I want to be remembered as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, triathlete, fun person, and ‘By the way, did you know she had RA?’.”

“When you have a chronic condition, especially one that is painful, it’s easy to get depressed or dwell on the pain and feel sorry for yourself,” adds the busy Ontario resident, whose RA symptoms disappeare­d briefly while she was expecting her third child.

“But I want to live my life fully to the best of my ability, and I won’t let RA stand in my way. I intend to maximize the time I have, not dwell on the aches and pains associated with RA. We need to be the best we can regardless of the hand we are dealt.”

Trainor’s first indication of a health issue came in 2007, when she experience­d soreness in her feet during a regular training session.

“I was a runner, just getting into triathlons,” she recalls. The medical tests were inconclusi­ve, so she decided to run less and cycle more. “Then I couldn’t change the gears on my bike because my hands were so swollen.”

Further medical tests confirmed she had RA and she was referred to a rheumatolo­gist. “I went through various treatments for years before finding something that actually worked for me.” Fortunatel­y, she has successful­ly been on a treatment plan for the last three years. “I consider myself extremely lucky,” she says. “The right medication should be available to all who need it.”

“We know that our systems are under severe economic pressure,” says Dawn Richards, vice-president of the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA). “We firmly believe that the conversati­on about the best medication for the patient is between them and their health-care provider.”

Trainor says she is fortunate to have a very supportive family and a partnershi­p with a rheumatolo­gist she respects and admires. “I do my part in terms of regular medication, regular bloodwork, staying active, exercising (maybe too much sometimes), eating right, resting, and protecting my immune system as much as possible.”

She recalls a study she read when she was first diagnosed. “It said that the average RA patient would not be capable of working within 10 years of being diagnosed. I am coming up to my 10-year mark and in that time frame, I have been fortunate enough to have had my third child, completed an Ironman and seven half-Ironman races, plus I have kept working and contributi­ng to society. Obviously, medication and proper medical support are key, but I also believe in the importance of a positive attitude.”

However, she adds, “If I was told I needed to switch from my current treatment, I would be very upset. It is an arduous process to find a medication that works well and has side effects which are manageable, and I wouldn’t want to divert from my current treatment. It has taken years to find a medication which works for me and allows me to enjoy life, and I wouldn’t want to return to the undulating years of searching for the right treatment again. I’m very happy with my current treatment and consider myself fortunate to do all that I do because of it.”

There are many options in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. All treatments have benefits and risks, some of which can be serious, and can vary by individual. If you are living with arthritis, talk to your doctor about treatment options that might be right for you.

Patients like Trainor know the importance of positivity when battling a chronic disease like RA, but it’s important for patients to know they don’t have to fight alone. Organizati­ons like The Arthritis Society and CAPA are there to help educate and support patients during their journey towards stability.

Preserving health stability is vital to Trainor and patients like her.

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