National Post (National Edition)

Whistleblo­wer OR SPY?


- Nate Fick is chief executive of the cybersecur­ity software company Endgame and a Marine Corps veteran of Afghanista­n and Iraq. The Washington Post

both the privileges to access vast amounts of data and the mandate to transfer it to backup servers — the perfect cover for a whistleblo­wer or a spy.

On June 9, 2013, a video of Snowden was posted on the website of the Guardian. Shot in a Hong Kong hotel room, the disclosure begins with “My name is Ed Snowden,” and goes on to detail how the NSA was spying on U.S. citizens. Snowden comes across as calm, compelling and articulate. Overnight, he became a global celebrity and, to much of the world (including many Americans), the lead standard-bearer for data privacy and personal freedom in the digital age.

Most of the public debate since that summer has been over whether Snowden is a hero or a traitor, a whistleblo­wer or a spy. Epstein’s answer is both — but more spy than whistleblo­wer. And the case he builds, especially in light of disclosure­s since the U.S. election in November, is damning.

Since 9/11, the United States has changed in so many ways that it is already hard to remember the world where we could carry water bottles through airport security and where small-town police department­s didn’t look like armoured cavalry units. But changes like these are only the visible tip of a much bigger, and largely digital, iceberg. In some ways, Snowden’s disclosure­s of NSA surveillan­ce, including a warrant issued under the Federal Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act ordering Verizon to turn over all its billing records for 90 days to the NSA, and details of an Internet-monitoring program code-named PRISM, were beneficial. As Epstein writes, the disclosure­s “accomplish­ed a salutary service in alerting both the public and government to the potential danger of a surveillan­ce leviathan” and “revealed a bureaucrat­ic mission creep that badly needed to be brought under closer oversight by Congress.”

What Snowden exposed, however, wasn’t a rogue operation. It was a series of programs authorized by presidents of both parties and Congress, and approved by no fewer than 15 federal judges. Epstein cites the current NSA director, Adm. Mike Rogers, and numerous others, including former NSA directors Mike McConnell, Michael Hayden and Keith Alexander, and former CIA acting director Michael Morell, laying out the crippling effects of Snowden’s revelation­s: “lost capability,” “impact on our ability to do our mission for the next twenty to thirty years,” “sources dried up; tactics were changed.” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (DCalif.), chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, concluded, “I think it’s an act of treason.”

The real scoundrel in Epstein’s telling is neither Snowden nor the security leviathan he checked; it’s the muscleboun­d bureaucrac­y of the government and its contractor­s that allowed this breach to happen in the first place.

The 9/11 Commission concluded that one reason U.S. intelligen­ce agencies failed to “connect the dots” before the 2001 attack was the existence of security-inspired “stove-piping” between, and within, the agencies. Much of that was stripped away in the following years, perhaps improving coordinati­on, but with the unintended consequenc­e of magnifying the risk of any particular breach, whether by a foreign spy or a disgruntle­d insider.

Whatever his ultimate motives, that Snowden maintained access to government secrets as long as he did was a colossal failure of the system. Five months after being forced out of the CIA, he was working on sensitive systems inside the NSA, first as an employee of Dell and later of Booz Allen Hamilton. Epstein reports that Snowden was able to keep his security clearance because the CIA had instituted a policy several years earlier that allowed voluntaril­y departing officers to maintain their clearances for two years after leaving. The grace period was intended to make it easier for them to find jobs among defence and intelligen­ce contractor­s. When his CIA clearance finally expired in February 2011, Snowden applied — successful­ly — to renew it. Since 1996, the background investigat­ions required to obtain a clearance had been outsourced to a private firm compensate­d according to the number of investigat­ions it completed. The picture that emerges is of a self-dealing bureaucrac­y and a web of private contractor­s performing core government functions, more akin to Blackwater employees carrying guns and pulling triggers than to contract employees dishing out grits in a mess hall.

But the bigger problem is more subtle.

Epstein points out a culture clash that will be central to this era of national security policy: libertaria­n hackers in one corner, animated by a belief that informatio­n will be free; privacy advocates in another, convinced that privacy and security are zero-sum; and the national security establishm­ent in a third, united by a conviction that some informatio­n is so important that it must remain secret.

The challenge arises where these worlds intersect — at the nexus of technology, security, privacy and civil liberties where the NSA operates. Will the government, with its salary caps and background checks, be able to compete for the best talent in fields like cybersecur­ity? And even if it succeeds in hiring and retaining skilled technical talent, can it coexist with a culture of secrecy?

In this winter of rattled confidence in government, Epstein’s welcome reappraisa­l of the most destructiv­e data breach in the history of U.S. intelligen­ce brings nothing to mind so much as the Roman poet Juvenal’s timeless question: “Who will guard the guards themselves?”

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