National Post (National Edition)

Duelling conspiracy theories


When he was Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz was once asked about the CIA’s disavowal of involvemen­t in a mysterious recent bombing in Lebanon. Replied Shultz: “If the CIA denies something, it’s denied.”

Has there ever been a more dry, more wry, more ironic verdict on the world of espionage?

Within it, there is admission and denial, smoke and mirrors, impenetrab­le fog and deliberate obfuscatio­n. Truth? Ask the next guy.

Which is why my default view of espionage is to never believe anyone because everyone is trained in deception. This is not a value judgment; it’s a job descriptio­n.

We learn, for example, from Tuesday’s spectacula­r WikiLeaks dump that among the CIA’s various and nefarious cybertools is the capacity to simulate intrusion by a foreign power, the equivalent of planting phoney fingerprin­ts on a smoking gun.

Who are you going to believe now? I can assure you that some enterprisi­ng Trumpite will use this revelation to claim that the whole storyline pointing to Russian interferen­ce in the U.S. election was a fabricatio­n. And who was behind that? There is no end to this hall of mirrors. My rule, therefore, is: Stay away.

Hard to do with Washington caught up in one of its periodic conspiracy frenzies.

Actually, two. One, antiTrump, is that he and his campaign colluded with Russian intelligen­ce. The other, anti-Obama-CIA“deep state,” is that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to ensnare candidate Trump.

The odd thing is that, as of today, there is no evidence for either charge. That won’t, of course, stop the launch of multiple allconsumi­ng investigat­ions. (1) Collusion: James Clapper, Obama’s director of national intelligen­ce, who has been deeply and publicly at odds with Trump, unequivoca­lly states that he has seen zero evidence of any Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Nor has anyone else.

The contrary suspicion arises because it’s hard to explain why Michael Flynn falsely denied discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador and why Attorney-General Jeff Sessions falsely denied having any contacts at all. That suggests concealmen­t. But there was nothing inherently inappropri­ate with either behaviour. So why conceal?

Suspicion, nonetheles­s, is far short of assertion — and a fairly thin basis for a major investigat­ion, let alone for a special prosecutor.

To prosecute exactly? (2) Wiretap: The other storyline is simply fantastica­l. Congressio­nal Republican­s have uniformly run away from Trump’s Obamawiret­ap accusation. Clapper denies it. FBI Director James Comey denies it. Not a single member of Trump’s own administra­tion is willing to say it’s true.

Loopier still is to demand that Congress find the truth when the president could just pick up the phone and instruct the FBI, CIA and DNI to declare on the record whether this ever occurred. And if there really was an October 2016 FISA court order to wiretap Trump, the president could unilateral­ly declassify the informatio­n yesterday.

The bugging story is less plausible than a zombie invasion. Neverthele­ss, one could spin a milder — and more plausible — scenario of executive abuse. It goes like this:

The intelligen­ce agencies are allowed to listen in on foreigners. But if any Americans are swept up in the conversati­on, their part of it is supposed to be redacted or concealed to protect their identity. According to The New York Times, however, the Obama administra­tion appears to have gone out of its way to make sure that informatio­n picked up about Trump associates’ contacts with Russians was as widely disseminat­ed as possible. what

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