National Post (National Edition)

Bull market isn’t as old as some think

Bear lows versus surpassing earlier highs


To committed readers of the financial press, it was almost impossible to miss the proclamati­ons that a milestone had been passed: The bull market, as of March 9, was eight years old.

This formulatio­n is wrong, since it misconstru­es the definition of a bull market. Rather than saying that the bull market is celebratin­g its eighth birthday, what we really are observing is the eighth anniversar­y of the bear-market lows.

The age of a bull market has important ramificati­ons. Understand­ing if we are in the second, third, fourth or eighth year of a market cycle is a pretty big deal. The age of a bull isn’t about picayune definition­s; nor is it a rationaliz­ation for a pricey stock market. Rather, this is an attempt to provide some precision, accuracy and clarity as a counterpoi­nt to lazy market commentary.

With that insufferab­le preamble out of the way, let’s move on to a different, but intriguing question: How long was the 1982-2000 bull market?

Warning: This question.

The obvious answer is 18 years — at least that’s the answer I would give. But as you heard throughout your high school math classes, the answer isn’t all that matters — it’s how you got to it. “Show your work” was exhorted on every calculus exam you took. It applies here as well.

My position on market cycles is as follows: Secular bull markets — versus cyclical rallies and sell-offs — begin when indexes surpass earlier highs. Thus, in 1982, when the Dow Jones industrial average eclipsed 1,000 on a permanent basis, is when we mark the beginning of that epic 18-year bull market.

Why is this important? Understand­ing how old a bull market is may very likely affect your expectatio­ns of future returns, your risk appetite, even your investment allocation­s. Misunderst­anding when a bull market began is potentiall­y a very expensive error to make. is a trick

Charlie Munger exhorts constantly to “Invert, always invert.” Let’s follow his advice and see what happens if we agree with the suggestion that the bull market is eight years old.

If you do that, though, you must make similar assumption­s about other bull markets of the past century. Consider what this does to the historical examples.

It means that the 19822000 bull market actually lasted 27 years, starting with the 1973 bear-market bottom. If you speak to people who were working on Wall Street in the 1970s, none of them will tell you that period felt like a bull market — because it wasn’t. But that’s the date you need to use to be consistent with those who say this bull market is eight years old.

Now, almost everyone knows that earlier bull market didn’t last that long. There is a big difference between cyclical bull markets, bear market rallies and correction­s.

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