National Post (National Edition)

Scotland seeks new independen­ce vote amid Brexit spat.


LONDON • Scotland’s leader delivered a shock twist to Britain’s EU exit drama on Monday, announcing she will seek to hold a new independen­ce referendum in the next two years because Britain is dragging Scotland out of the EU against its will.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would move quickly to give voters a new chance to leave the U.K. because Scotland was being forced into a “hard Brexit” that it didn’t support. Britons decided in a June 23 referendum to leave the EU, but Scots voted by 62 to 38 per cent to remain.

Scotland must not be “taken down a path that we do not want to go down without a choice,” Sturgeon said.

The move drew a quick rebuke from British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said a second referendum would be hugely disruptive and was not justified because evidence shows most Scottish voters oppose a new independen­ce vote.

May accused Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party of political “tunnel vision” and called the referendum “deeply regrettabl­e.”

“It sets Scotland on a course for more uncertaint­y and division,” she said.

Sturgeon spoke in Edinburgh as Britain’s parliament was on the verge of approving a Brexit bill that will allow the U.K. to start the formal withdrawal from the EU within days. May plans to trigger the two-year exit process by the end of March.

Sturgeon said she would ask the Scottish parliament next week to start the process of calling a referendum, to be held between fall 2018 and spring 2019. She said by then, details of Britain’s post-Brexit deal with the EU would be clear and Scottish voters would be able to make “an informed choice.”

The British government must agree before a legally binding referendum can be held. It didn’t say Monday whether it would do so, but said an independen­ce ballot “would be divisive and cause huge economic uncertaint­y at the worst possible time.”

In a 2014 referendum, Scottish voters rejected independen­ce by a margin of 55 per cent to 45 per cent. But Sturgeon said that the U.K.’s decision to leave the EU had brought about a “material change of circumstan­ces.”

Sturgeon said that she had sought compromise with May’s government, but had been met with a “brick wall of intransige­nce.”

Sturgeon has been seeking a deal that would allow Scotland to stay in the European single market.

But she said she has become convinced May is pursuing a “hard Brexit” that would leave Britain outside those arrangemen­ts.


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