National Post (National Edition)



The moral of the recent melee at Middlebury College, where students shouted down and chased away a controvers­ial social scientist, isn’t just about free speech, though that’s the rubric under which the ugly incident has been tucked. It’s about emotional coddling. It’s about intellectu­al impoverish­ment.

Somewhere along the way, those young men and women — our future leaders, perhaps — got the idea that they should be able to purge their world of perspectiv­es offensive to them. They came to believe that it’s morally dignified and politicall­y constructi­ve to scream rather than to reason, to hurl slurs in place of arguments.

They have been done a terrible disservice. All of us have, and we need to reacquaint ourselves with what education really means and what colleges do and don’t owe their charges.

Physical safety? Absolutely. A smooth, validating passage across the ocean of ideas? No. If anything, colleges owe students turbulence, because it’s from a contest of perspectiv­es and an assault on presumptio­ns that truth emerges — and, with it, true confidence.

What happened at Middlebury was this: A group of conservati­ve students invited Charles Murray to speak, and administra­tors rightly consented to it. Although his latest writings about class divisions in America have been perceptive, even prescient, his 1994 book “The Bell Curve” trafficked in race-based theories of intelligen­ce and was broadly (and, in my opinion, correctly) denounced. The Southern Poverty Law Center labelled him a white nationalis­t.

He arrived on campus wearing that tag, to encounter hundreds of protesters intent on registerin­g their disgust. Many jammed the auditorium where he was supposed to be interviewe­d — by, mind you, a liberal professor — and stood with their backs to him. That much was fine, even commendabl­e, but the protest didn’t stop there.

Chanting that Murray was “racist, sexist, anti-gay,” the students wouldn’t let him talk. And when he and the professor moved their planned interchang­e to a private room where it could be recorded on camera, protesters disrupted that, too, by pulling fire alarms and banging on windows. A subsequent confrontat­ion between some of them and Murray grew physical enough that the professor with him sought medical treatment for a wrenched neck.

Middlebury isn’t every school, and only a small fraction of Middlebury students were involved. But we’d be foolish not to treat this as a wake-up call, because it’s of a piece with some of the extraordin­ary demands that students at other campuses have and upset, and then to learn how to speak back. Because that is what we need from you.”

The liberalism that Jones was bemoaning is really illiberali­sm, inasmuch as it issues repressive rules about what people should be able to say and hear. It’s part of what some angry voters in 2016 were reacting to and rebelling against. And colleges promote it by failing to summon a rich spectrum of voices.

“Certain things are not to be discussed,” said John McWhorter, a Columbia University professor who teaches linguistic­s and philosophy, speaking of a rigid political correctnes­s that transcends college campuses but that he is especially disturbed to see there. Campuses are supposed to be realms of bold inquiry and fearless debate. most likely to solve the problem,” said Haidt, the author of the 2012 bestseller “The Righteous Mind” and a professor at New York University. “We do the things that are the most ritually satisfying.”

He added that what he saw in footage of the confrontat­ion at Middlebury “was a modern-day auto-da-fé: the celebratio­n of a religious rite by burning the blasphemer.”

The protesters didn’t use Murray’s presence as an occasion to hone the most eloquent, irrefutabl­e retort to him. They swarmed and swore.

McWhorter recalled that back when “The Bell Curve” was published, there was disagreeme­nt about whether journalist­s should give it currency by paying it heed. But he said that it was because they engaged the material in detail, rather than just branding it sacrilegio­us, that he learned enough to conclude on his own that its assertions were wrong — and why.

Both he and Haidt belong to Heterodox Academy, a group of hundreds of professors who, in joining, have pledged to support a diversity of viewpoints at colleges and universiti­es. It was founded in 2015. It’s distressin­g that there was — and is — even a need for it.

But according to an essay in Bloomberg View last week by Stephen Carter, a professor of law at Yale, the impulse to squelch upsetting words with “odious behaviour” is so common “that it’s tempting to greet it with a shrug.”

“The downshoute­rs will go on behaving deplorably,” Carter wrote, “and reminding the rest of us that the true harbinger of an authoritar­ian future lives not in the White House but in the groves of academe.”

I wouldn’t go that far. But I worry that in too many instances, the groves of academe are better at pumping their denizens full of an easy, intoxicati­ng fervour than at preparing them for constructi­ve engagement in a society that won’t echo their conviction­s the way their campuses do.

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