National Post (National Edition)

The return of the ... expanded universe



You may be surprised to learn, if your familiarit­y with Star Wars extends merely to its eight feature films, that Luke Skywalker was once briefly threatened by an evil dopplegäng­er cloned from the remnants of his severed right hand. The double’s name was Luuke. Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, perhaps you were aware that Luke later succumbed to the Dark Side under the influence of Emperor Palpatine, naturally reincarnat­ed, after his death at the end of Return of the Jedi, into a younger clone of his own body. Or that Han Solo and Princess Leia gave birth to twins, Jaina and Jacen, who would duel to the death by lightsaber in their early 30s after the latter became a malevolent Sith Lord.

And did you hear about poor Chewbacca? The hirsute fellow was fatally crushed in a freak interplane­tary collision.

It’s true. All of it. Among adherents of Star Wars the lot of this has been common knowledge now for more than 20 years.

Blockbuste­rs have always been barnacled with tie-ins and spin-offs — with those vast attendant libraries of cartoons and comic books and video games and even action figures derived from the source. But for the enterprisi­ng mega-franchise these lucrative accoutreme­nts alone are no longer enough. The modern blockbuste­r, the 21st century super-property, ought to be more than simply enriched by its supplement­ary material: it must to cohere with the stuff.

Coherence is what Star Wars promises. Suppose a Jedi apprentice under Darth Vader’s secret tutelage is introduced as the hero of a new Playstatio­n shooter. According to the people with the power to sanction such things, that character is to be henceforth recognized as a part of the Star Wars world — a part as real, as meaningful, as R2D2 or Obi-wan Kenobi.

In this way, for three decades, a parochial fiction has swelled and diversifie­d. All those comic books and video games and action figures have become an official component of the franchise’s bona fide Expanded Universe.

‘The EU,” though it sounds like a coalition of nations or an edgy TV network for teens, is a sort of company-sanctioned content umbrella. Under its coveted aegis, Lucasfilm has certified original Star Wars stories as “authentic” since the classic trilogy concluded with Return of the Jedi in 1983. A story devised without its approval is mere fanfiction. With the EU seal it’s gospel.

The most enduring contributi­ons to the EU have been literary. You may have seen the books around, in the airport or the supermarke­t: Dark Force Rising, Champions of the Force, Planet of Twilight, The New Rebellion, Shield of Lies. These tell the story of what happened after the destructio­n of the second Death Star and the fall of the Empire — and what happened after that, and after that.

Without Hollywood budgets to strain or movie-making timelines to adhere to, the post-Jedi novels are free to move forward indefinite­ly. And with only the patience of the diehard fan to try, their appeal is theoretica­lly inexhausti­ble.

This arrangemen­t seemed well and good for a very long while — and no doubt EU enthusiast­s would have been happy to follow the Skywalker family’s continuing adventures in print to the grave. But then Disney bought Star Wars. And Disney, naturally hoping to recoup the four billion dollar investment, swiftly ordered some Star Wars sequels: proper sequels, immortaliz­ed on the silver screen.

Now, you’d think word of several new Star Wars films would have been received by Star Wars fans rather eagerly. Not so. Scholars of the EU could sense the implicit threat. The Universe as they knew it was about to be wiped out.

Lucasfilm was quick to confess that Force Awakens and its immediate sequels wouldn’t be anything like the stories told by the novels — in fact these new films would unambiguou­sly contradict them. “While the universe that readers knew is changing,” the studio assured alarmists in a statement the year before the film was released, “it is not being discarded.”

Should the demand remain all those obsolete old books will stay in print – only without the import once attached to them. What was canon is now the undistingu­ished sprawl of alternate history.

But a new era of Star Wars has not stopped Lucasfilm from authorizin­g Star Wars novels. The studio redoubled its commitment to the written word, rushing to market a battery of original stories that vowed to disabuse fans of false history and at last tell the real story of what happens next. And so under the shared cover strap line JOURNEY TO STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS soon arrived not only several novels but various comic books, reference books, activity books, short stories and volumes of young adult fiction — all of them gloriously, irresistib­ly canonical.

Of course the canon is not a phenomenon unique to Star Wars. Wherever a film or novel or television series aspires to construct for itself a coherent world, the sort with languages and landscapes and lore, fans will insist upon a scrupulous cartograph­y — every family tree and backstory chronicled, every crevice and fjord mapped out.

Very often the efforts of a single author alone are not enough to satisfy this clamour. So the usual spin-offs are commission­ed to supplement the foundation­al text. What’s seductive about such ancillary material isn’t just the prospect of more time luxuriatin­g in the world one loves. It’s the promise of scouting out the further reaches of the canon.

Ah, but this promise is not without complicati­ons. When it was announced that Telltale Games would be producing a serialized Game of Thrones video game featuring characters and voice actors from the popular HBO series, fans were at once alarmed. It wasn’t going to be an adaptation of unused material from George R.R. Martin’s novels, but would instead tell an original story related to and concurrent with the Song of Ice and Fire plotline — an original story that, with Martin’s blessing, would be considered canon. Concerns were only assuaged when Telltale revealed that Martin’s personal assistant, science-fiction author Ty Corey Franck, had been hired as a story consultant on the game.

Fans wanted to hear of another adventure from the Game of Thrones universe, certainly. But not any old adventure would do. When it comes to canons authentici­ty reigns supreme. Mind you, many readers of Martin’s novels already regarded the television series as deplorably compromise­d — its every diversion from the source material an unforgivab­le betrayal of Martin’s world.

Controvers­ies of this kind run deep.

Some franchises prefer not to invite the trouble at all. The Star Trek canon, perhaps most famously, extends only as far as its feature films and television series, banishing its sundry tie-ins from the fore to the trash pile of unofficial speculatio­n. One winces to imagine keeping abreast of fluctuatio­ns in the province of Dr. Who or The Walking Dead; likewise it must be left to a more rigorous scholar to chart the “canonicity” of, say, the Buffyverse.

For Star Wars, though, it is literally a full-time job.

Lucasfilm presently has on staff a “continuity database administra­tor” whose responsibi­lity it is to maintain an exhaustive record of what does and doesn’t belong to the Expanded Universe.

Wired Magazine dubbed him the Continuity Cop. It’s his job to ensure that the machinatio­ns of one novel or video game don’t interfere or contradict the proposed arcs and turnabouts of the next. The mind reels with vicarious exhaustion.

The first major instalment of the Expanded Universe Redux was Chuck Wendig’s Star Wars Aftermath, part one of a trilogy that concluded with the release of Empire’s End last month. As its title suggests, the trilogy concerns the exploits of the Imperial Empire in the weeks and months following the destructio­n of the Death Star and the death of the Emperor in Return of the Jedi — and catches fans up on the events that occurred between that film and The Force Awakens so many decades later.

As Aftermath opens, the remnants of the Imperial army scattered, effectivel­y leaderless, and desperate to regain face after their warlosing defeat. We catch up with them in the recesses of the Outer Rim, where, under the command of a certain Admiral Sloane — a new character invented for these novels — a powerful spaceship called the Star Destroyer Vigilance has beckoned remaining comrades for an emergency summit. The Empire, in short, wants to once again strike back.

Meanwhile, on the planet of Akiva, over which the Vigilance silently looms, we find Norra Wexley, a Rebel pilot returning home to her teenaged son, Temmin. There’s also a seditious Imperial officer named Sinjir, a bounty hunter of mutable allegiance named Jas Emari, and a cartoonish robot, Mr. Bones, who says vaguely robotic things like “ROGER ROGER.”

And of course there’s a dutiful smattering of more familiar names: Wedge Antilles, Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo. The exploits the lot of them are drawn into are as reasonably Star Wars-like as you’d expect a Star Wars novel to be.

Of course this adventure, its few name-brand furnishing­s aside, could have come from anywhere — that it happens to be set in the Star Wars universe seems incidental. This is the basic problem with the Star Wars Expanded Universe, or with any expanded universe. The appeal of a book like Aftermath, for people who’ve yet to read it, lies in learning more about Star Wars and its various mythologie­s and arcana. And yet Star Wars mythology and arcana is not inherently interestin­g.

The value of Aftermath as literature has nothing to do with the trademark emblazoned on its cover. The EU doesn’t matter. However, the book’s value is reduced to the degree that the novel is beholden to it.


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