National Post (National Edition)

Don’t even think about it

Penalties widen for sexual harassment

- HOWARD LEVITT Financial Post

Workplace Law

The recent news of ingrained sexual harassment at Fox and Uber, the highprofil­e lawsuit against Jian Ghomeshi, and complaints about the treatment of women in the military have brought the issue to the forefront of Canadian consciousn­ess. But it wasn’t that long ago that many Canadians met partners not on the Internet, but at work. Interoffic­e affairs were common, but often disruptive when they failed.

I recommend that my clients prohibit any dating between superiors and subordinat­es. Even if it is initially consensual, when the relationsh­ip ends, the subordinat­e might claim sexual harassment. That alone is sufficient reason for such a policy. I have known rejected parties to make such claims in bad faith, and the verity of the allegation can be difficult to establish. The problem is best avoided by prohibitin­g it in the first instance.

Sexual relationsh­ips cloud judgment and result in both parties making decisions based on matters other than pure business efficacy. Even if there are no ultimate consequenc­es, the subordinat­e’s peers can be demotivate­d, believing there will be favouritis­m and a reduction of their own prospects.

I also recommend policies requiring employees not in direct-report relationsh­ips to disclose them. Only then can the employer ensure that no potential favour can be dispensed, considerat­ion can be given to their not working together and the risk of allegation­s minimized. Failure to comply with either policy should be disciplina­ry.

Increasing­ly, Canadian human rights tribunals are showing little tolerance for anything that smacks of sexual overtures from superiors or retaliatio­n for rejecting an advance. Damages for sexual harassment are increasing, as is social censure.

The law technicall­y is that sexual harassment is an overture (which includes creating a sexualized environmen­t) that the harasser knew or ought to have known was unwelcome. “Ought to have known” is becoming more generously defined.

In one case, Christine Horner, the financial controller at Peelle Co., developed a friendship with its owner, Hank Peelle, involving various common interests. Peelle’s marriage deteriorat­ed and, as he became enamoured, he began increasing­ly inviting Horner to meetings and events. Convinced that the interest was mutual, one day he told her she looked pretty and asked if he could kiss her. Shocked, she told him they did not have that kind of relationsh­ip, reminded him of her own longterm relationsh­ip and commented that he was married. He confessed that his marriage was essentiall­y over.

Peelle immediatel­y apologized, sent her a harassment complaint form and provided her options to consider, including having the incident investigat­ed, and establishi­ng a method to monitor his behaviour and establish a formal warning with the ability to lodge additional complaints. Quite responsibl­e, one would think.

Horner’s response was that none of that was necessary as she was sure their former relationsh­ip could resume. It did not. Peelle stopped inviting her to the many personal activities they had shared, communicat­ing more by email and only about business.

When Horner complained that things had not returned to what they had been, Peelle promised to “alter his behaviour to be more aligned with how things had been in the past.” Their previous relationsh­ip did not resume; he asked her to stop communicat­ing with him as though they were personal friends, and she ultimately resigned.

Peelle argued at the tribunal that he had believed his feelings were reciprocat­ed and that she would welcome the kiss. The tribunal found that, given that she was in a long-standing relationsh­ip and was unaware he had separated, Peelle’s belief was unreasonab­le. Horner was awarded damages for the request for the kiss and greater damages for injury to her dignity resulting from Peelle’s change in behaviour following her rejection of his advance. She also recovered her income loss of more than $50,000.

Many might think that Peele’s restrictin­g their relationsh­ip to business was precisely what he should have done. But that would be wrong. The tribunal noted that the decrease in access to Peelle in face-to-face supervisio­n and consultati­on on business matters was retaliator­y since his participat­ion as the owner added business value to Horner’s work and enhanced her industry knowledge. Even though he attempted, after her complaint, to increase those business interactio­ns, their nature and quality were not as comfortabl­e or effortless as they had been.

But doing otherwise would also have carried risk.

This case accentuate­s the need for employers to absolutely prohibit superior-subordinat­e workplace relationsh­ips.

A recent decision shows the range of remedies human rights tribunals are now enacting. A co-owner of the Houston Avenue Bar and Grill in Barrie, Ont., Rajneesh Dutta, became very drunk one evening and sexually harassed an employee, De Anna Granes. The police were called but laid no charges, so the bar decided it did not need to conduct its own investigat­ion. But such investigat­ions are required when there are sexual harassment allegation­s.

In addition to awarding her $20,000 for injury to her dignity, as well as lost wages until she was re-employed, the tribunal made a series of increasing­ly common public interest remedies. It ordered Dutta to complete human rights online training, required the restaurant to adopt a written policy dealing with complaints of harassment and discrimina­tion, and to develop a complaints procedure, to provide six months’ mandatory training of its employees, and ordered that it post Human Rights Commission policies in the workplace.

What are employers to do to avoid charges in the first place?

In addition to the policies articulate­d above, employees should be provided with regular training as to what constitute­s harassment, appropriat­e staff should be trained to conduct quality investigat­ions and ensure there is a delineated complaint procedure that is well publicized and ensures there are neutral channels for complaints without reprisals. All employees should be required to sign off on these policies annually.

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